Thursday, August 5, 2021

A Great International Build Off

 I really enjoyed mine and Chris's (Mister C) 'Great British Build Off' last year which resulted in us both creating a great piece of scenery (a cottage) for our wargames tables; created from the same template. The top photo shows Chris's house, the second photo is my little house. 

 So we have decided  to have another build off but this year with an international theme as we have invited Merjin Gelens-Voermans to take part this year. Merjin has built all but one of the Warhammer Townscape buildings and his work on this can be found on his blog here...

...and Chris's blog can be found here...  The Periodic Painting Table

For this years challenge I have opted to build building no.13 and Chris has created some very simple guidelines. 



To build a Warhammer Townscape model.

RULES (more sort of guidelines really)

The building must be based on one of the Warhammer Townscape models.

You can alter it, e.g. extend the model, choose a different finish (timber, stone etc.)

You have until the end of August to complete the model.

Blog your progress however often you feel appropriate and link to each other’s blogs.

The challenge is designed to inspire and encourage. There is no prize apart from the congratulations of your peers, both in the challenge and on our blogs.

With those simple rules in place, I have opted to build house no13. I have printed off the basic plan and created a base board (15cmm x 15cm) which should allow me to add extra detail to the building. Next stage is to glue the plan to the foamboard and then when dry, cut out the sides and start adding detail. 

I will be building this house alongside my current Napoleonic and Ancient projects. This house when completed will be seeing service in Medieval and Fantasy battles at least. I will post a blog every week or so to chart my/our progress. 



  1. That's a great choice. I'm not sure if it was originally on one of the Citadel Journals or Compendiums or if it was from the Lichemaster set (the townscape being just a collection). Either way it will be fun watching it develop.
    BTW, some of those Lichemaster buildings could make decent Peninsular buildings with the right sort of tiles.

  2. Thanks Mister C. I have some ideas about how to develop this building but need to see the basic shape assembled to see how well my ideas would work.

  3. Nice choice, the balcony on this one is excellent for grandstanding mages.

  4. The balcony is one part which I may enlarge a bit?

    1. Yup, try out some minis on it to see what it will hold


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...