Monday, August 12, 2019

The Herd v The League of Rhordia, 15mm Kings of War.

The Herd v The League of Rhordia, 15mm Kings of War.

Today I drove down to my very good friend Chris's house for a game of 15mm Kings of War. We have been playing a whole series of loosely linked games themed around our Herd (Beastmen) and League of Rhordia armies (think knights with halfling allies). Today's battle was the largest yet at 2,000 points per side. The story behind this battle was that after a few smaller clashes the two armies were now meeting in force along the border between their two lands. I had to try and capture a League Chapel whilst Chris had to try and capture a Herd statue on my side of their table.
Victory points could also be scored for how many units we each had in the opposing players half come the end of the battle. 

The picture above is the armies deployed ready for battle. Below some pics of the first few rounds of action. 

This proved to be a very bloody battle as I rushed my Herd troops forward to try and minimise the effect of all the League missile fire. By the end of turn two both sides had already lost a few units. The battle continued in that manner with some really exciting swings in fortune on both sides. 

By turn 5 things were slowly turning in the Leagues favour despite my best efforts. Turn 6 also went the Leagues way and then a throw of a dice resulted in a 7th and final turn. By the time we completed the final turn there were not many figures left on the table. Adding up the various victory point conditions saw a League victory but only by 2vp to 1vp.This was one of our closest and most exciting games yet. My thanks to Chris for hosting.


  1. It was indeed a great fun battle, and as you say, it felt as if it could swing either way until near the end. your Herd were, as always, a joy to play against.

  2. very nice, haven't played KoW for yonks

  3. We have been having great fun with our 15mm armies which are also very quick to paint up.

  4. Looks great stu, we must get another game of KOW in too...

  5. Definitely, although I reckon you should get a 15mm army!

  6. Seconding the War Crow's comments re 15mm


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...