Monday, August 19, 2019

Bolt Action: a second game.

A few weeks ago Steve suggested we collect figures for desert warfare Bolt Action, we are now at over 800 points each. In preparation for our second game Steve had also been busy building some excellent terrain, hills, road, rough ground, a house etc... to which I could add another house and some palm trees. 
Being game 2 we played the second scenario from the rulebook where it was basically a shoot-out with each side scoring 1 point for each enemy unit they could destroy within the game length of 6 or 7 turns. 

The game got off to a poor start for my Afrika Korps with Steve taking out the crew of my pak 38 on the first turn and causing quite a few pins on many of my units.

Steve's armoured car with it's two machine guns was a real thorn in my side, especially as I no longer had the pak 38, my best chance of taking it out. (Note the cup of tea by the crewmans hand.) I had several shots at this armoured car with my anti-tank rifle, finally hitting it on the last turn only to fluff the damage roll and thus only pinning it!

The photos show various shots of both my Afrika Korps and Steve's very nicely painted 8th Army. By the last turn Steve had destroyed 4 of my units whilst I only had destroyed 2 of his, handing him a clear victory. We no doubt played a few rules incorrectly but were certainly getting the hang of this by the end of the game. Next we shall play scenario 3 and bring on some tanks. 

Final photo is some 15mm Goblin Horde for my Goblin Kings of War army, hot off the painting table. 


  1. very nice, tank rules are a bit sketchy. Playing with Dave and James the other week and I had a thought about pinning rules for building assaults. THe rules say ignore pins in building assaults. But makes taking buildings very hard. Thought would be to lose 1 defending dice for each pin for units defending a building assault - these guys are hiding under the table

  2. Some interesting ideas Martin. Not sure we know the rules well enough to tweak them yet? Will keep your suggestions in mind though.

  3. Nice work War Crow. WWII isn't my thing, but the games look fun and well presented.
    The goblins are good too.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...