Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bolt Action Game 3 and a Panzer 111

Steve and I managed to squeeze in our third game of Bolt Action last night. My Panzer 111, a 3D printed model from Butlers had arrived the day before so a speedy bit of painting saw it table ready.

I am strangely pleased with this model which arrived as just a 2 piece kit; hull and turret!  It is not quite as detailed as say a resin or a plastic model and you can certainly see some of the 'print lines'. There was also some flash and wispy bits of plastic to cut and scrape away. I added an arial by heating up a piece of wire over a match and 'melting' it into place as the plastic material the tank is made from proved to be a bit crumbly when I tried to drill it.  Would I buy more of these 3d printed models? Yes I would as on the table they look fine , are easy to assemble and are a bit cheaper. 

As for the game, we played scenario 3 from the main rulebook. A quick dice throw decided that we had to place 3 objectives on the table which we had to try and capture and control. It proved to be a very frustrating game for my DAK forces as I think it was turn 4 before I was even able to shoot anything yet I had lost a few units already by then. The Pz 111 did reasonably well on it's debut managing to damage Steve's Valentine tank and immobilize it. In retaliation it then jammed my turret but as I was pointing straight at him I could carry on shooting at him. Despite my best efforts and with some truly awful dice throwing from me,  Steve soon controlled all 3 objectives and by the end of the game he claimed an easy win. 

Steve had built another house and I am currently on with some desert themed lengths of barbed wire and a couple of minefields so the scenery is looking good.  

We are really enjoying Bolt Action and are learning the rules quite quickly. Simple and fast playing fun, it takes me back to the happy days of playing with my 35mm Airfix DAK in the back garden when I was about 12.  


  1. Sounds like you're having fun there. Any chance of a barbed wire tutorial?

  2. MMMmmm, barbed wire is almost finished and I didn't take step by step photos. Maybe I will do a brief written account with a photo of the finished thing.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...