Saturday, August 10, 2019

10mm Imperial Romans

I first bought these 10mm Imperial Romans well over 10 years ago from the Vapnartak show in York. They are a mix of Pendraken and Magister Militum figures with a few Irregular Miniatures figures in there too. Initially based for Warmaster Ancients they have been recently rebased for games such as To the Strongest, Impetus and Sword and Spear. I have also added a few new units and a camp to complete enough figures for a decent sized game.  I am also currently working on the Ancient British army to bring them up to a comparable sized force.


  1. An impressive force. What size are the bases? I'm wondering if they'd work for Kings of War Historical, which usually uses half normal base size in 10mm

  2. The bases are all 8cm wide, so cavalry would be a little out but could always 'fudge' it.

  3. Very nice, the future is really massive battles in 10mm

  4. Welcome along to the blog o sphere!

    Nice toys!

  5. Thanks to all, I will hopefully soon have some games to post up on here too.


The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...