Friday, December 31, 2021

Review of 2021 wargames painting and modelling progress.

 This time last year I posted the chart below, a rather ambitious painting and modelling plan for 2021. How did I do? Quite well I think; progress is noted in the right hand column in italics. For next year I think I need to narrow the range of periods and scales covered. I will do a blog about my 2022 plans soon. 


AIM FOR 2021

28MM Wars of the Roses

Never Mind the Billhooks, TTS, Hail Caesar and Impetus

Retinue bowmen for Trollope, Somerset Retinue (both bill and bow) and command stand. Men at Arms both mounted and on foot. 1x artillery

Build at least one more house/more scenery.

All painted plus a couple more units and a couple of scratch built houses.

15mm Ancients

Impetus, TTS, Sword and Spear

1x Mercenary Hoplites, 2x Spartan Hoplites, 1x Peltasts, 1x Thracian Hoplites.

2x Sparabara, 1x Scythed Chariot, 2x Assyrian levy

Add more buildings.

All painted plus a few extra units and all buildings completed.

28mm Fantasy

Oathmark, FFoL, Dragon Rampant

4x goblin wolf riders, 10x dwarf Heavy Infantry,

10x dwarf Spearmen, start on the elves?

Paint small groups of fantasy for skirmish. Make/paint more buildings/scenery.

Didn't really touch the Oathmark figures, did make a 28mm A frame dwarf house.

10mm Romans and Britons

Impetus, TTS, Sword and Spear

1x veteran legion, 1x auxiliary Infantry, 1x auxiliary cavalry

2x warband

All painted plus a few extra units added.

15mm WW2 Normandy

Rapid Fire, Battlegroup, Iron Cross

Paint more British infantry and vehicles.

Add more scenery

Added several vehicles/AT guns to both sides plus more buildings and infantry.

28mm Western

Fistful of Lead, Rules with no Name

Add more buildings/scenery

Added 1x cowboy plus a jailhouse.

28mm Arthurian and Dark Ages

TTS, Impetus, Fantastic Battles, Lion Rampant, Saga and Hail Caesar.

At least 2 bases of Saxon warband, 2 bases of Pictish warband, Pictish cavalry plus various command stands.

Norman Spearmen, more Anglo-Danes and Vikings.

Added a Viking command base plus a few extra vikings.

10mm Fantasy

Fantastic Battles, War of the Ring

2x companies of High Elf Cavalry and 2x High Elf spearmen.

Need to buy and paint more Barbarian Fanatics and Bison Riders.

Completed both the Elf and the Barbarian armies, also painted a full 15mm Ice Elf Army, decided on Fantastic battles as the rules to play. 

28mm Sci-Fi


Human and Alien troops and scenery to suit.

Painted a whole batch of 20mm Star Wars figures and made 6 buildings. Also painted two gangs of 28mm sci fi troopers.

15mm Crusades

Soldiers of God, Lion Rampant

Crusader spearmen and knights, lots of Saracens.

Make/paint more scenery/buildings.

Didn't really touch this project this year, shame really.

15mm Biblical

Impetus, TTS and Sword and Spear

15mm Hittites purchased and ready to paint (a project for later in the year).

So, just for fun, ignored the 15mm Hittites and bought a 6mm Hittite army instead, now all painted.


15mm Napoleonic's (2 units), 15mm Vikings (4 units) 

I have really enjoyed my gaming this year as once we were out of lockdown, having moved house back down to the Settle area I was able to get in touch with some of my old mates and re-start gaming with them. We, as a small group of gamers have enjoyed Blackpowder Pike and Shotte (6mm), General D'Armee (15mm), Never Mind the Billhooks (28mm), Fantastic Battles (10mm and 15mm),Hail Caesar (10mm and 15mm) and Polemos (6mm) and a few other games as well. All were great fun and we have many games to look forward too in 2022. 

A few examples of stuff painted this year. 

Star Wars in 20mm

15mm Delvians/Ice Elves

28mm Wars of the Roses/Never Mind the Billhooks.

28mm Viking Chieftain. 


  1. you've done very well with your targets this year, well done.

  2. you've had a productive year and played so many games it's ridiculous

  3. Being retired now is allowing me to indulge all aspects of my wargaming hobby. The (almost) weekly games with the lads down here are great fun.

    1. You're all very fortunate to have a regular weekly game


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...