Wednesday, December 15, 2021

15mm General D'Armee

 Today Howard very kindly hosted a 15mm game of General D'Armee. The scenario was designed deliberately small with just two brigades a-side in the hope that we might actually finish the game. A quick dice throw decided that Ian took charge of the British and Phil took control of their allies, (Howard's newly painted Nassau troops-and very nice they are too). That left Howard and myself in charge of the French in a simple encounter battle with just a few pieces of terrain scattered about the table and Phil's Nassau deployed behind a river. 

Whilst Ian and Phil went off to decide their tactics Howard and I quickly decided that I would try to advance rapidly in the hope that I could either stop or delay the Nassau from crossing the river, leaving Howard to deal with the British on our right flank. 

The first two turns went well for the French, winning the initiative we were able to advance quickly and our support shooting was quite effective too. From turn 3 onwards the British and their allies won the initiative for about the next 6 or 7 turns. Their defensive fire was very effective whilst our luck with the dice seemed to desert us. 
Not sure why this photo came out so dark? But it shows the extreme right of the British line. 

Late in the game with the two side vying for position. 

The British and Nassau firing was starting to wear the French units down. On the left flank Howard and Ian attempted a few charges but most units were held back by more good firing. 
With French morale crumbling the Nassau finally started to advance. 

Another poor dice throw (this time on the 'Faltering' Table) and my Brigade had to withdraw and with Howard in trouble on the other flank the game was awarded to the British and the Nassau. 
This was our last game before Christmas but it was a most enjoyable afternoon helped along with tea and mince pies (thanks Howard). We perhaps need to play a few games of General D'Armee in quick succession to imprint the rules on our brains a bit better but we all really like the feel of these rules and all agree that they give a great Napoleonic game.   




  1. It sounds like you all enjoyed your pre Christmas game. So what's the best ruleset for Napoleonics? Are there any you still want to try?

  2. For 15mm we are sticking with General D'Armee. For 6mm when playing at Phil's house it will be Polemos I think.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...