Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Fistful of Lead Reloaded

 Yeeee Ha!, we SaD lads rode out west today for a 3 player game of the Western themed 'A Fistful of Lead-Reloaded'. This is a skirmish game where each player has a 'gang' of 5 or 6 figures and these can be developed at the end of a game if you use their simple campaign rules. The rules are quick and easy to learn with a special themed pack of cards helping decide the order in which figures move and shoot to give a really fast moving game where everyone is involved at all times. 

We ran a three player game having adapted one of the scenario's out of the book we went in search of some buried loot.  We placed 5 tokens spread around the table which represented the buried treasure (which took 2 actions to dig up). Fate decided that Phil took a cowboy gang, Ian was the US Cavalry and I was a Sioux Indian gang. 

Ian was quick to move in search of loot but it was Phil who was able to grab the first two tokens whilst Ian and I got involved in a firefight which his better armed cavalry won. I managed to grab one lot of loot whilst Ian with some shifty manoeuvring grabbed the remaining 2 tokens. Ian's gang leader was particularly deadly both in melee and in shooting.

After a vicious few turns of a shootout Phil wisely decided to withdraw his cowboys from the table taking his loot with him whilst Ian really went for the kill on my Indians. I finished the game with just two (out of 6) figures still alive, Ian had no figures killed and Phil had lost just a couple. At the end of the game a quick dice throw decides the fate of your wounded or 'killed' figures. Two of my figures did indeed die whilst two of them have to miss the next game. 

The loot converts into 'Renown' points which you can use to build your gang back up, add extra weapons and traits. Having scored 4 points of renown my points were spent on building my gang back up to near normal numbers. Ian and Phil were able to boost their gangs with an extra figure, more rifles and new traits. 

This is a great little game and we are all looking forward to a second game where our gangs are going to hit a nearby town in search of an escaped outlaw.   


  1. Sounds great fun. I've not tried the Western version, but I've had a lot of fun with the Sci Fi version playing Star Wars themed games.

  2. The western versuion is perhaps the simplest version of the rules. They certainly make for a quick to pick up and fast to play game.

  3. Reloaded was the first, and thus simplest version. A lot has changed since then. It’ll be getting a reboot soon.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...