Thursday, September 24, 2020

A month of new rules.

 September proved to be a month of acquiring more new rules. Last month I took the plunge and got the second edition of Saga, this month I added to this with 'Never Mind the Billhooks' a set of rules for the Wars of the Roses that came free with Wargames Illustrated magazine, 'Impetus 2nd Edition' and 'Rapid 'Fire Reloaded'. All games that I am keen to play. 

Of course Corona Virus restrictions will severely affect my chances of getting a game in with any of them but of all of the above sets of rules, the 'Never Mind the Billhooks' really caught my interest. So a variety of Perry Miniatures plastic and metal figures have been purchased and the first two units painted. I have gone for the Lancastrian Earl of Northumberland and his retinue of bill and also a unit of archers. 'Billhooks' look like they will capture the flavour of the period and remind me a little of the old Bill Lamming 'Rules for Medieval Warfare' I played back in the late 70's, so they have a touch of nostalgia for me too!

I had originally based the billmen individually but decided to rebase them on 2of 6x4cm mdf bases; this ties in with and makes the figures useable with other rules such as 'Impetus' and 'To the Strongest'.

I also made some simple arrow counters using the spare groups/sheafs of arrows from the Perry sprues. Archer units get to fire 6 times before running out of arrows. I used 12mm dice and frames as they are easier to handle and see. 

Rapid Fire Re-loaded may have to wait for a while but I did manage one game of Second Edition Impetus with my Gauls taking on Pete's Carthaginians. Play was a little slow at first as we got used to the new rules (there are a lot of pages on just moving your troops) but we did speed up a little towards the end. The dice gods favoured my Gauls as I broke though on my left flank and was managing to hold the centre whilst seeming to gain the upper hand on the right flank. A rare victory for my Gauls. 

It was great to play Impetus again and both Pete and I finished wanting to play more games. I really need to paint more Gauls some time soon and perhaps read the rules again!. 


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...