Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Old School Fantasy project

 For some time now I have had a growing fondness for and need to collect some of the 'old school fantasy' figures I painted, collected and gamed with back in my youth. In the late 1970's and early 1980's I amassed a large collection of Citadel, Hinchliffe, Ral Partha, Conquest Miniatures and others as well. This nostalgia fix has also coincided with me returning to reading some of the fantasy novels I read back then.  

Elric, Conan and the Hobbit (and of course the Lord of the Rings), are the books that started my love of the fantasy genre in games, books and films.

For some stupid reason I sold all my old collection in 1988 to help with a house move and relocation to a new job. So a few years ago I started to cast about on ebay for a few figures and also my long time gaming friend Chris donated quite a few figures, some Asgard Dwarves and the elf below for example. Chris is also joining in with this project and we aim to use the figures to play games of Dragon Rampant amongst others. You can see some of Chris's old school figures and musings on his blog 'The Periodic Painting Table' here:

Ral Partha Elf lancer, not too sure if his horse is original but it is a good fit? 

Ral Partha elves. I will use these as Sea Elves. Happily the two figures on the far right were actually painted by me back in the 70's/80's and I was delighted to be re-united with these guys (via ebay) after so many years away. I even drew and painted the flag in watercolours. Happily they only needed a quick touch up and they were ready to do battle.  The captain is named Bod Lo'An Foamheart and he just needs a few more of the axe wielding elves to complete his unit.  All names are from the same earlier period of gaming. 

A few lovely Citadel Wood elf types, were these from the Fantasy Tribe range? Just about pre-slotta? I do have a few more of these to paint to make up a unit. The Mage on the right side is Eritas the Scribe, famed for his chronicles of Elvan History (in my little mind at least). 

Far left is a Reaper miniature figure, not too old I think? The rest are more Ral Partha, the two with Spears and Pikes somehow survived the cull so have been with me for around 40+ years.
Second from the left is an Asgard Half-Elf Fighter, the renowned elf adventurer Emyn Lockharn, now on around his seventh incarnation. I used this figure back in the day but this one was newly acquired through ebay and painted up recently. Poor chap never got above 5th level in D&D before something killed him!  

A 'Ghost' miniatures giant (I think) painted as a Frost Giant (if I recall correctly I swapped this figure over into Chris's collection but got it back again a few years ago?) He is supported by some lovely old Asgard Dwarves. Chris donated some of these, others were found on ebay. I still have a few left to paint but need more. The dwarves are newly painted but the frost giant is still in his original paint scheme. 

Old Hinchliffe Dwarves now sold by Broadsword Miniatures available if you contact the very nice chap called Mike who sells them at:

A group of assorted Rangers with a cleric in their midst. 

Some Conquest Miniatures goblins from their 1970's 'Age of Jotun' range. If anyone can tell me where I can buy more of this range I would be very happy. They were sculpted by Bryan Ansell I believe? 

I really like these goblins from Hinchliffe/Broadsword . Full of character, despite still having some left to paint I need more. You can see a Tolkien influence on their shields. 

I have a steadily growing collection of old school figures that I keep adding too. My painting is slow on this project as I tend to fit them in between the various historical projects on the go but it is just a sheer pleasure to collect these figures again. The painting will happen in time. 


  1. Some old friends there - lovely paint jobs too - nice to see more Old School fantasy bloggery. I have a few of those Age of Joman figures - Conquest Miniatures - and as far as I know they were made by Bryan Ansell as you say. If not actually cast by Bryan they might have been produced via the Nottingham Model Soldier shot aka the Skytrex shop on Wollaton Street. They were certainly sold there, because that's where I bought mine. I've not heard what happened to the moulds though - might be worth asking the guys running Skytrex, although it's a different crew and a different company now. Interesting little range and you can see the connection with early Asgard, most of which were also made by Bryan - including - I believe - your Dwarfs.

  2. A well worthwhile project, and I'm looking forward to meeting this lot on the table top.
    It's funny how we swap minis back and forth

    1. Our figure exchanges have been going on for as long as some of these figures are old.

  3. Thanks for the kind comments Rick. I very much enjoyed a recent magazine article of yours on collecting old school ancients which is another collection I may have to start. I shall also pop Skytrex an email and see what they say.

  4. Some lovely old miniatures here and beautifully painted

  5. Many thanks, they are fun to paint too.

  6. I once had a Ghost Miniatures Giant, the same one you have in your photo. I've been hunting for one for years but can't find them. Very elusive company/product line. Do you have any information on the exact name of this model or places where it might be traded for or for sale?

  7. I am afraid I don't know where you can get Ghost Miniatures nowadays. I tried looking on online without success.

  8. Great News, they still exist as a website. I ordered a fresh pair of those Jottenheim Giants. They arrived in less than a week and it was a 2 pack for $20. A great deal on some solid, classic, metal old-school minis.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...