Monday, August 24, 2020

Some games of Saga and stuff.

 My good friend Chris and I have been planning some games for when we can get together which will hopefully be soon? One of those games could be the 'Horror' version of the skirmish game 'a Fistful of Lead'. We talked about some adventures searching for vampire graves as a possible scenario so I made some gravestones, a few with a spooky, ghostly theme. These are Renedra plastic graves with ghosts from some free GW figures I had in the spares box. 

Next off the painting table were some 15mm Horse Archers for my 15mm Saracens. These were a bit of a chore, not sure why, but they took some effort to get completed. I am actually quite pleased with the finished unit which is good as I need a few more of these. 

Finally thanks to Pete who drove up for a game today. He has been encouraging me to play second edition Saga for a while so today we gave it a go. We played two 6 point games with me playing Anglo Danes against Pete's Vikings. Happily in the first game I was able to disrupt the Viking advance and pick them off almost unit by unit including, eventually his leader for very little loss myself. However in game 2 Pete advanced his Vikings much more rapidly not allowing me time to slow his advance down. It was a close scrap but the Vikings won that game. 

These were some of my most enjoyable games of Saga, I may even be a convert? I still find the battleboards a little strange in the weighting of the powers they grant. The game seems balanced/geared towards favouring Vikings with all their attack benefits. Still I sense more games being played in the future. Thankyou Pete for a fun day of gaming. 


  1. Those graves look great, I'm looking forward to the game.
    Sounds like you had fun with Saga

  2. Thanks, I should have done a photo of the graves around my crypt-expect an update soon.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...