Sunday, September 27, 2020

A mini solo campaign

 With few gaming opportunities arising due to the covid situation I have been tempted into some solo wargaming using the Neil Thomas 'One Hour Wargames' rules. I am currently reading the 'Vindolanda' series of books by Adrian Goldsworthy, excellent novels set in northern Britain during Roman times so it seemed appropriate to dig out my 10mm Romans and Britons. 

The rules are quick and easy but even so, I could not resist playing around with them adding rules for Generals, heroes and replacing the effect of armour with varying saving throws. The book contains very good sections on quick and easy campaigns and plenty of scenarios which even tell you how many units each side can deploy. Once again added a few ideas of my own to create a series of 3 linked games based around rebel British chieftain Bodvoc running rampant around Northern Britain being pursued by brave Legate Albus CCassianus. 

Here are the rules I came up with...

One Hour Wargames Ancients: Romans and Britons.

Unit Type





Special Rules

Heavy Infantry:






D6 +3

D6 +2







D6 +2


No armour







12”/d6 -2

D6 -2

Auxiliary Cavalry











Light Cavalry



D6 -2



24”/d6 -2


Movement: turn/pivot units on their centre point.

Woods/Marsh: only skirmishers may enter.

Rivers: units may cross via bridges and fords only.

Roads: add +3” to move if all movement on road.

Moving and shooting: Archer units may not shoot if they moved, skirmishers, light cavalry and chariots may move and shoot.

Interpenetration: only skirmishers and light cavalry may interpenetrate.

Charge Moves: charging units may turn/pivot once up to 45 degrees before charging.

Shooting: arc of fire + 45 degrees. Units in cover only suffer half hits.

Combat: throw 1x D6 per unit with factors as in chart above...

Terrain Advantage: defenders in woods, on a hill, holding river crossing etc. suffer half hits.

Flank/Rear Attacks: score double hits.

Units are eliminated once they have acquired 15 hits.

Armies: each army is usually comprised of 6 units, with a minimum of 3 Heavy Infantry or Warband.

Generals: each army has a General figure (mounted on a round base) which must be attached to one unit.

If the General and his unit is involved in melee the unit adds +1 to hits inflicted.

If the General's units suffers hits, throw a dice, on a 1 he may be amongst the casualties, throw a dice again, a further score of 1 results in the death of the general.

Scenario Choice: throw a d6 on the chart below to select a group of scenarios and dice again to select the scenario to play.

1: Scenario 1-6

2: Scenario 7-12

3: Scenario 13-18

4: Scenario 19-24

5: Scenario 25-30

6: throw again.

Random Events: at the start of each turn both sides throw a d6, on a score of 6 a random event occurs, throw 2xd6 and read along the chart below.

2: Confusion: 1xd3 of your own units may not move this turn.

3:Ammunition Shortage: 1xd3 of your missile units may not shoot this turn.

4:Demoralization: one unit on your side acquires 1xd6 hits.

5: Initiative: one unit on your side may move twice this turn.

6: Rally: 1xd3 units on your side may remove 1xd3 hits.

7: Enemy Panic: a single enemy unit acquires 1xd6 hits

8:Your army gains one unit of Legionaries/Warband (as appropriate).*

9: Your army gains one unit of Light Cavalry.*

10: Your army gains one unit of skirmishers.*

11:Heavy rain shower, all shooting causes only half hits for the rest of the game.

12: Inspired: Your General adds +2 hits in melee for the rest of this game.

*any extra units gained should be deployed in their own half of the table next to a randomly selected piece of terrain, as if emerging from ambush.

The fierce Carvetii warlord Bodvoc, fed up with increasing Roman taxes and demands for tribute has roused the tribe in revolt.

Legate Albus Cassianus is marching XX Legion to nip this rebellion in the bud.

The gods (dice) have decreed that the campaign is played using the following scenarios:

29, 12, 24

Romans will be the red player, Britons the blue player.

Heroes:(Optional rule): Each side may select a single hero figure which can be deployed with any (non-skirmisher) unit. Heroes may only be used once in a game and allow the controlling side to re-roll the dice in a melee attack (abiding by the second throw). Once used the hero figure is removed from the table.

So starting with scenario 29, I deployed the units as in the top photo. In this scenario the British were disadvantaged by Bodvoc only being able to activate 2 units a turn. I decided to use the poor British activation to try and get the two units back by their base line up to the frontline. Meanwhile the Romans who were limited to just 4 units and a scorpion ballista felt it best to rush towards the Britons on the hill before the extra units arrived which proved to be a bloody exercise. 

By turn 6 the Romans were gaining the upper hand and even managed to destroy the warband that Bodvoc himself was leading. In the photo below you can see Bodvoc in his chariot and his warband making a run for it, but we can be sure that Bodvoc will return.  


  1. It was fun, very quick to play, less than an hour.

  2. Thank you for that Stuart, a good inspiration for a little solo campaign of my own.....almost a necessity these days!


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...