Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Battle of the Casket: 15mm Fantastic Battles

 Ian and I returned to Fantastic Battles today with a scenario very loosely based on the historical Battle of the Standard. A casket full of sacred bones replaced the holy standards but the terrin remains close to the original. Ian always likes to surprise me with his army choice and his constant experimentation with 'Trait' choices so I played him at his own game today, using my 15mm Barbarians instead of my usual Ice Elves. I also experimented with Trait choices to try and give Ian a few surprises.

The ‘Battle of the Casket’ is a scenario very loosely based on the Battle of the Standard from 1138. I have changed and adapted events to suit the Fantastic Battles ruleset, swapping the standard for a casket but the scenery/terrain layout is very much inspired by that of the original battle. 

P19 to determine attacker/defender in the normal manner, 1xd6 each. 

The ancient remains of the famed seer Lathain of Nym are being transported on a wagon by the defending side when suddenly they are confronted by the attacking force. Deployment follows the usual rules set out on p22 of the rules. The wagon should be deployed no more than 2BW behind the main defending battle line. The defenders must try and retain possession of the casket whilst the attackers must try and capture it. 

At the end of the game when the losing side retreats from the table, if the casket is on the losing side it and the wagon will also retreat moving at it’s normal rate. The victors must be in possession of the casket either by capturing it during the game or before it can escape over the table edge if the defenders lose. 

(Treat the wagon as a ‘vehicle’ for resolution and movement but the wagon itself has no attack/melee capability).

The table set up looking from the defenders viewpoint. The dice decided that Ian and his undead were the attacker and my Barbarians were the defenders. 
I placed the terrain to match a map of the battle of the Standard that I had found online. 

The Barbarians approach their deployment zone.

The Barbarian's god, Thor addresses his troops before the battle.
Note the wagon with the casket top right.

The Barbarians deploy.

Skeleton Pikemen supported by some mounted Unholy Champions. 

A view down the Undead line. 

Ermantrude, the Undead giant mammoth thingy rushed forward during mishaps. 
Disease was the most common mishap on both sides prompting a few rally actions. 
Ian also made excellent use of his flying troops.  

Thor the Barbarian war god flanked by his bodyguard of a Fire Giant and a Frost Giant. 
Ian decided that this combination of units looked a bit tough so he tried to 'refuse' that flank

Ian had made some very nice Undead scatter terrain. 

Ermantrude in combat with the Ogre Mercenaries who had been 'Blinked' into the melee by Skaem the Unwashed (barbarian mage).

Top left my Barbarian Sworn cavalry recklessly charge into contact and promptly get surrounded.
Barbarian Captain Grelf the Gruesome was challenged to a duel by Skelbob the Undead Captain and they managed to kill each other. 
This action was to cost me dearly as I lost a high points unit for little return. 
Ian re-enforced Ermantrude with the Unholy mounted Champions whilst my 'Bearserkers failed to contact. 
On the hill in the background you can see a fuzzy 'Lord Kroogan Hymax', known as the jester as he wears a silly hat. 

Those Sworn Warriors cavalry are in trouble now. 
Lord Kroogan was busy casting spells as well. 

In the centre the Barbarian archers were also regretting charging. but those Unholy Champions are looking a bit battered now.  
The skeleton archers had shot one of my other captains (Kraug the Killer) just before the archers were hit by enemy units. 

Thor and his bodyguard finally catch the grave guards and start to give them a good hiding whilst the Sworn Warriors infantry defeat a single company of skeleton archers. 

Sadly my whole left flank and centre got destroyed resulting in a Barbarian withdrawal. The gleeful undead sent Drax the Dragon flying over to seize the casket. A convincing win for the undead but once again, a cracking game. 
Once again Ian had befuddled, bamboozled, baffled and beaten the Barbarians with his crafty troop and trait selections. 


  1. Excellent, a great battle report of one of my favourite games.
    Both armies look great.

  2. Definitely one of our favourite games to play too.


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