Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rapid Fire: The Battle of Lebisey part 2

 We were back at Nigel's today to finish off our Battle of Lebisey game. Having played 10 out of the suggested 15 turns we had left things finely balanced with either side capable of the win. 

The view from behind the Germans. 

A couple of shockingly bad morale throws by Nigel saw one of his Infantry brigades rout along with some of his armoured vehicles. He also had a new infantry brigade coming into play. Here we see the two infantry units pass each other. 

Some German armour on the run. This event really turned the game in the British favour. 

A german panzerschrek team was creeping about the ruins but thankfully failed to make an impact on the game. 

The British advancing to Victory as the Germans decide to withdraw. 

We played through the last few turns quite quickly and seem to have grasped most of the rules now. This was an excellent scenario that kept both sides anxious about the end result. It was also fun to play on Nigel's wargames table with his excellent collection of 20mm WW2. 

Next week we return to medieval times. 

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