Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Orctober Painting Challenge update

 Chris and I both agreed to take part in the Orctober painting challenge by creating a new 6mm fantasy army each based for Fantastic Battles of course plus a piece of 6mm terrain or scenery for our games. Chris was doing Orcs as one would expect but I opted for elves as I had a number of unpainted elves and various allies they could field; this was just a bit of fun afterall and we would both end up with a new army. The bulk of the figures come from 'Irregular Miniatures' charming 6mm fantasy range. These just fit on a 25mm base so we have been using bases that are 25mm square, increasing the depth a little bit if need be. 

So here is what I managed to paint, 14 companies of Elves and allies plus 3 characters and for the terrain part of the challenge I opted to create a simple set of statues on a large plinth. Not very ambitious but I was struggling to come up with something elvish that I could make in this tiny scale. 
Probably over 700 points at a rough guess. 

Some elf skirmish bowmen being followed by an ent with a chariot riding up to the two character bases. The Irregular Miniatures elf chariot is cast with 4 horses in two pairs so I cut the front two horses off to make a more traditional looking chariot. 

A Reaper Bones baby dragon makes a good 6mm dragon, even if his face is not very well cast! Next to the dragon we have two companies of Elf Knights. 

4 companies of giant eagles soar above some High Elf swordsmen plus a mounted character. 
Hopefully my elves with their eagle allies will rule the skies.

A closer look at the scenery piece. I got the 4x 3-d printed statues from Chris; made a simple base from some mdf bases and gave it a quick paint job. I tried to get the statues to look like they had once been painted but now most of the paint has worn away over time. 

I still have more chariots, some High Elf Bowmen and Wood Elf cavalry to paint plus a few more characters so well over 1,000pts eventually. All my figures have been based and undercoated ready for painting. I know Chris has been busy painting Orcs, I wonder how well he got on with completing the challenge?


  1. Excellent work, and a lot more coherent force than I've got.
    I'll get my blog done soon, but I'm done apart from a bit of flocking basing

  2. I have about the same number of companies left to paint and about 4 characters.


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...