Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Orctober Painting Challenge update

 Chris and I both agreed to take part in the Orctober painting challenge by creating a new 6mm fantasy army each based for Fantastic Battles of course plus a piece of 6mm terrain or scenery for our games. Chris was doing Orcs as one would expect but I opted for elves as I had a number of unpainted elves and various allies they could field; this was just a bit of fun afterall and we would both end up with a new army. The bulk of the figures come from 'Irregular Miniatures' charming 6mm fantasy range. These just fit on a 25mm base so we have been using bases that are 25mm square, increasing the depth a little bit if need be. 

So here is what I managed to paint, 14 companies of Elves and allies plus 3 characters and for the terrain part of the challenge I opted to create a simple set of statues on a large plinth. Not very ambitious but I was struggling to come up with something elvish that I could make in this tiny scale. 
Probably over 700 points at a rough guess. 

Some elf skirmish bowmen being followed by an ent with a chariot riding up to the two character bases. The Irregular Miniatures elf chariot is cast with 4 horses in two pairs so I cut the front two horses off to make a more traditional looking chariot. 

A Reaper Bones baby dragon makes a good 6mm dragon, even if his face is not very well cast! Next to the dragon we have two companies of Elf Knights. 

4 companies of giant eagles soar above some High Elf swordsmen plus a mounted character. 
Hopefully my elves with their eagle allies will rule the skies.

A closer look at the scenery piece. I got the 4x 3-d printed statues from Chris; made a simple base from some mdf bases and gave it a quick paint job. I tried to get the statues to look like they had once been painted but now most of the paint has worn away over time. 

I still have more chariots, some High Elf Bowmen and Wood Elf cavalry to paint plus a few more characters so well over 1,000pts eventually. All my figures have been based and undercoated ready for painting. I know Chris has been busy painting Orcs, I wonder how well he got on with completing the challenge?

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Battle of the Casket: 15mm Fantastic Battles

 Ian and I returned to Fantastic Battles today with a scenario very loosely based on the historical Battle of the Standard. A casket full of sacred bones replaced the holy standards but the terrin remains close to the original. Ian always likes to surprise me with his army choice and his constant experimentation with 'Trait' choices so I played him at his own game today, using my 15mm Barbarians instead of my usual Ice Elves. I also experimented with Trait choices to try and give Ian a few surprises.

The ‘Battle of the Casket’ is a scenario very loosely based on the Battle of the Standard from 1138. I have changed and adapted events to suit the Fantastic Battles ruleset, swapping the standard for a casket but the scenery/terrain layout is very much inspired by that of the original battle. 

P19 to determine attacker/defender in the normal manner, 1xd6 each. 

The ancient remains of the famed seer Lathain of Nym are being transported on a wagon by the defending side when suddenly they are confronted by the attacking force. Deployment follows the usual rules set out on p22 of the rules. The wagon should be deployed no more than 2BW behind the main defending battle line. The defenders must try and retain possession of the casket whilst the attackers must try and capture it. 

At the end of the game when the losing side retreats from the table, if the casket is on the losing side it and the wagon will also retreat moving at it’s normal rate. The victors must be in possession of the casket either by capturing it during the game or before it can escape over the table edge if the defenders lose. 

(Treat the wagon as a ‘vehicle’ for resolution and movement but the wagon itself has no attack/melee capability).

The table set up looking from the defenders viewpoint. The dice decided that Ian and his undead were the attacker and my Barbarians were the defenders. 
I placed the terrain to match a map of the battle of the Standard that I had found online. 

The Barbarians approach their deployment zone.

The Barbarian's god, Thor addresses his troops before the battle.
Note the wagon with the casket top right.

The Barbarians deploy.

Skeleton Pikemen supported by some mounted Unholy Champions. 

A view down the Undead line. 

Ermantrude, the Undead giant mammoth thingy rushed forward during mishaps. 
Disease was the most common mishap on both sides prompting a few rally actions. 
Ian also made excellent use of his flying troops.  

Thor the Barbarian war god flanked by his bodyguard of a Fire Giant and a Frost Giant. 
Ian decided that this combination of units looked a bit tough so he tried to 'refuse' that flank

Ian had made some very nice Undead scatter terrain. 

Ermantrude in combat with the Ogre Mercenaries who had been 'Blinked' into the melee by Skaem the Unwashed (barbarian mage).

Top left my Barbarian Sworn cavalry recklessly charge into contact and promptly get surrounded.
Barbarian Captain Grelf the Gruesome was challenged to a duel by Skelbob the Undead Captain and they managed to kill each other. 
This action was to cost me dearly as I lost a high points unit for little return. 
Ian re-enforced Ermantrude with the Unholy mounted Champions whilst my 'Bearserkers failed to contact. 
On the hill in the background you can see a fuzzy 'Lord Kroogan Hymax', known as the jester as he wears a silly hat. 

Those Sworn Warriors cavalry are in trouble now. 
Lord Kroogan was busy casting spells as well. 

In the centre the Barbarian archers were also regretting charging. but those Unholy Champions are looking a bit battered now.  
The skeleton archers had shot one of my other captains (Kraug the Killer) just before the archers were hit by enemy units. 

Thor and his bodyguard finally catch the grave guards and start to give them a good hiding whilst the Sworn Warriors infantry defeat a single company of skeleton archers. 

Sadly my whole left flank and centre got destroyed resulting in a Barbarian withdrawal. The gleeful undead sent Drax the Dragon flying over to seize the casket. A convincing win for the undead but once again, a cracking game. 
Once again Ian had befuddled, bamboozled, baffled and beaten the Barbarians with his crafty troop and trait selections. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Warlords of Erehwon: Orcs v Goblins

 It was great fun today to meet up with Chris for a second go at Warlords of Erehwon. Chris was using his Orcs again whilst I opted to give my goblin warband a go. All figures are of the 'Old School' collections we have been acquiring recently. As host Chris set up the scenario which we kept reasonably simple to help us further understand the rules better. The idea was that my Goblins led by Kruk 'the Destroyer' was raiding deep into Orc lands when his warriors came across some Orcs of the 'Severed Hand' resting amidst some ruins. Hagar Sheol, leader of the Orcs gathered his warriors around him and rushed to meet their foes. 

Chris set the scene with the following tale... Gurk, the goblin shaman and lover of all spells sparkly manipulates Gruk into attacking the orcs...

"Dem orcs got a good kickin" Gurk mused aloud. "Yer wot?" Snarled Kruk. "Dem orcs. Dey is weaker now, and I knows ya don't like em. I mean, if I was a 'Destroya', I'd be all over dem like mange on a dire wolf". The bigger goblin thought it over. His shaman could see the effort this took. "Cos dey'd be easier to destroy, but folks'll just remember how yer destroyed em, not how you wus all sneaky and taktikal like" Gurk added, helping the process along. "Ere, Gurk. Ow de yer fancy using yer sparkly magic against dem jumped up Severed Hands? I fink nows a great time to get a bit of destroyin in". With a sigh, the smaller goblin nodded. It was hard work, but he needed to use blunt tools like Kruk to further 'The Plan'.

Deployment, the goblins face off against the Severed Hand Orcs emerging from the ruins.

Looking magnificient in his spikey helmet Kruk discusses tactics with Gurk. 

The Severed Hand Orcs emerge from cover with Grashnak Cra, the Orc Champion on lookout at the top of the steps. 

Some goblin spear troops and the goblin archer advance through the woods. 

Grashnak advances at the run. 

Orc archers shoot at the advancing goblin archers at the front of the wood killing one but losing three in return when the goblins shot back. 

Over on the goblin right flank the two foes are getting closer. 
The goblin warriors and the goblin guard unit were soon to find out how tough Orc warriors can be. Only the goblin guard leader remained. 
(I am a little disappointed in the quality of my photo's taken with my new phone camera.) 

The orc warriors having despatched of most of one of my goblin warrior units now approach Gurk. With an impressively sparkly show of magic Gurk totally fails to cast his 'Aura of Timidity' spell - he is in trouble now. 

Gurk just about survives the orc attack but his two gobbledog guards are killed. 
At this point, the game was getting frantic and very closely balanced but I seem to have forgotten to take more photo's. 

Gurk finally managed to cast his spell showering the orcs with some very sparkly pin markers. Over on the left flank the goblin archers rout the one remaining orc archer. They then advanced and shot Grashak killing hilm. Kruk hurls his 'Skull crusher' magic weapon at Hagar as the Orc chieftain leads his bodyguard into a ferocious melee with Kruk and his guards. With Hagar getting the better of the first round of melee we sadly ran out of time just at the climatic moment which would have resolved the battle. With an arrogant nod, Kruk back away and Hagar stepped back, licking the blood from his axe, determined to resolve this clash another day.  

This was a very enjoyable game that left me keen to play again soon. I like how the main characters seem to be developing their own personalities. We both agree that we need to get a better understanding of some of the various rule tests one needs to do, but otherwise we are forming a good understanding of the rules. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Navwar Ancient Galley's and Poseidon's Warriors.

 I have been wanting to try some Ancient Naval gaming for some time now (I painted the Triremes in the first photo over 20 years ago). I recently put in an order to Navwar for some more ancient galleys and some for my gaming friend Ian too. I was delighted when the parcel arrived in just 8 days so then it was on with some painting. 

We are going to try the Osprey set of rules 'Poseidon's Warriors' which read as if they will be simple enough for our old brains and good fun too. 

These Triremes were painted over 20 years ago but I have repainted their bases to match how I am now painting up the newer models bases. The sea mat Ian and I bought at the St Helens Phalanx show from their excellent bring and buy, just £20 (a tenner each). 

Painted just this weekend, I have added a few Greek Merchant vessels and a Lembus. You can also see the sand banks and rocky hazard I made too. 

Next I painted up some larger galleys including a 16 bank flagship. These models are quick and easy to paint and look great on the table.I have lots more to paint but need some bases to fix the models too which I hope to buy at the Leeds Fiasco show this coming weekend. My eventual hope is to build a coastline too with a few suitable ancient buildings etc... Then I would like to combine some naval action with some of my ancient wargames using my 10mm, 15mm and 28mm armies and Hail caesar rules.  


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hail Caesar- back to Medieval gaming.

 Inspired by yet another good article in the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy; this week's game is a medieval battle from the Thirteenth century. The article detailed a 'what may have happened' scenario with a young Prince Edward (later Edward 1st)(Ian), rushing towards Kenilworth Castle to try and capture it back from the Rebel Barons led by a Simon de Montfort the Younger, (played by Nigel and myself). In the scenario Simon de Montfort the younger, hearing of the approach of Prince Edward, marches out his troops to meet him in battle. 

One of the main changes we made was to use our later Medieval/Hundred Years War figures and I had to swap the stats around as the original author used the Lion Rampant rules whereas we would be using Hail Caesar. However, it looked like a fun game with the deployment of troops spread out along the road.  

I placed card markers where players could then take turns to place the troops written on the underside of the card. Here Nigel has deployed the Rebel infantry. 

The Rebel cavalry division is now deployed ahead of the infantry as per the scenario.
Disaster struck the Rebels in turn 1 as Nigel threw a blunder and was forced to withdraw two moves, taking all of the Rebel Infantry off the table. 

Ian, commanding as Prince Edward deploys some of his troops. 

The Rebels deployed with the magazine scenario at the back. 
(we had left the withdrawing Infantry on the table edge). 

Simon de Montfort the Younger rides toward the enemy, despairing at the misfortunes of his infantry division. 

Prince Edward (Ian) advances to meet his foe. 

In the background the Royalist extra unit of knights arrive.

Simon de Montfort the Younger was feeling rather outnumbered. Nigel suggested charging the enemy crossbowmen with a unit of sergeants who, in a spectacular charge managed to break both units of crossbow. 
The unit of skirmish longbow in the woods (bottom left) had chased off the Rebel light cavalry and now turned towards the rest of the enemy cavalry. 

Turn 5 and Nigel gets the Rebel Infantry division moving at last. 

Here are the Rebel sergeants about to crash into the Royalist crossbow. 

An almighty cavalry clash took place in the centre, Prince Edward was wounded and the Rebels seem to be gaining the upperhand. 

Royalist Infantry rush to help but Prince Edwards division was broken as was the Rebel Cavalry division led by Simon de Montfort. Nigel had managed to get one of his longbow units into range and with the rest of the Rebel infantry marching up Ian conceded the game and Prince Edward withdrew his remaining troops from the board.  
Brilliant fun but we felt a bit sorry for Nigel whose game was spoiled by a poor 'orders' throw in turn 1. Thus is fate. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rapid Fire: The Battle of Lebisey part 2

 We were back at Nigel's today to finish off our Battle of Lebisey game. Having played 10 out of the suggested 15 turns we had left things finely balanced with either side capable of the win. 

The view from behind the Germans. 

A couple of shockingly bad morale throws by Nigel saw one of his Infantry brigades rout along with some of his armoured vehicles. He also had a new infantry brigade coming into play. Here we see the two infantry units pass each other. 

Some German armour on the run. This event really turned the game in the British favour. 

A german panzerschrek team was creeping about the ruins but thankfully failed to make an impact on the game. 

The British advancing to Victory as the Germans decide to withdraw. 

We played through the last few turns quite quickly and seem to have grasped most of the rules now. This was an excellent scenario that kept both sides anxious about the end result. It was also fun to play on Nigel's wargames table with his excellent collection of 20mm WW2. 

Next week we return to medieval times. 

Old School Goblin Goodies

  With a game against my friend Chris coming up next week I felt it was time to add a few more figures to my goblin army. We have settled on...