Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Rapid Fire, US v Germans at Belle-Fontaine 1944

 For our latest game of Rapid Fire I adapted a scenario out of a recent issue of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Magazine. The scenario was actually written for a different set of rules so it needed a few tweaks to suit Rapid Fire and also match our figure collection. The game was based around a German counter offensive against the US forces deployed in the small hamlet of Belle-Fontaine. Ian was in charge of the Yanks leaving Nigel and I to command the Germans. 

The scenario starts with an early morning advance by the first wave of German forces, their advance covered by a mist that lasts the first 3 turns. Using the mist to their advantage, the Germans rush forward soon followed by their second wave of troops. 

As the mist cleared it became easier to spot enemy troops. but the Germans had got themselves really forward to the edge of the village.   
Nigel had been bombarding the US troops deployed in the church.  

Nigel was in control of the Panzer IV's which also got forward quickly, although one suffered light damage from Ian's AT gun.  

The Panthers moving into the outskirts of Belle-Fontaine. 

The infantry move up in support. 

The much needed American reinforcements arrive.

The Shermans fail to damage the Panthers but one of the Shermans was destroyed when the Panthers fired back. 

The Shermans did destroy an advancing German halftrack, also killing a few of the troops it was carrying. 
The Germans are now advancing deeper into the village. 

The American M10's managed to damage a Panzer IV before Nigel destroyed one of them. 

Another Sherman was blown up and with the initial American infantry that had been deployed in the village now all destroyed the Americans opted to withdraw, leaving the Germans in control of the village. 
This was an enjoyable game and we certainly worked our way through the rules much quicker this week. Next week Nigel hosts us as we move up a scale and play Rapid Fire in 20mm. 

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