Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rapid Fire in 20mm: The Battle of Lebisey, June 1944: part 1

 Today we all went over to Nigel's house for another game of Rapid Fire but this time using Nigel's extensive 20mm collection. The game was designed around the British £rd division trying to break through the 21st Panzer's defences in the Lebisey Woods. Nigel put Ian and I in charge of the British and he took control of the Germans.

British reconnaissance reported a strange sighting in the woods!
(Nigel's grandson got there before the us!).
Undettered, the British advance.
(I have a new phone with a better camera so hopefully my photographs will be much improved from now on?)

The Germans take out an advancing British MG.

I tried to get my British forward as fast as possible before more Germans arrived. 

The British are arriving in force now.

More British advance on the left flank. 

German forces start to reveal their positions as they open fire. 

Ian was very happy when his Sherman's arrived. 

and Nigel was just as happy when his Panzer IV's arrived. 
I was even happier when I destroyed them both. 

A lone heroic British infantryman gets caught in the open by a sneaky German officer who shoots him with his pistol. 

The view from behind the German line as turn 10 came to an end. 
We continue the battle next week. 


  1. The new phone seems much better for pictures.

  2. God to hear, I certainly seem to be getting lighter more detailed photo's?


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...