Sunday, September 29, 2024

Orctober Challenge

 So, gaming friend Chris (Mister C of 'the Periodic Painting Table') was looking for a theme for his Orctober Challenge. After swapping a few ideas we came up with painting 500 points of 6mm Irregular Miniature fantasy figures to pair up with our existing 6mm armies based for the excellent 'Fantastic Battles' rules. We also decided to make a piece of Elf or Orc themed 6mm scenery for our gaming tables. Chris went with his idea of Orcs (seeing as it is an Orctober challenge) but I opted to paint up some Elves, (Elftober?). Chris has already painted up 1,000 pts of Dwarves and I have painted 1,000 pts of Dark Elves.

Here is a link to what Chris wrote about this project.

Here are some of my 6mm Irregular Miniatures Dark Elves.

I added a dragon (baby dragon from Reaper Bones) and a giant spider (an old GW model). 

Here are the 6mm Dark Elves in their transport box. 

Next job was to look in my box of unpainted 6mm figures (many of which were donated by Chris). There is a mix of Dark Elves Elves, Lizardmen and Amazons in there. 

Here is a piece of suitable Elf scenery that really belongs to my 10mm Elves but I reckon it will do fine with 6mm. I am not sure yet what piece of scenery I may make for the challenge, maybe some elf houses, a small castle or a bridge? I could also do with some better 6mm river sections and trees as my current box of 6mm scenery was all made in the 1980's!
(Only a true elf nutter would have elf armies in 6mm, 10mm, 15mm and 28mm and yes, that nutter is me!)

When I looked in my box of painted Dark Elves I found a few bases of Wood Elves I had already undercoated black (top of this photo). The rest of the figures are mainly a mix of High Elves and Wood Elves with some ents and eagles. More than enough for easily over 1,000 pts so I will need to narrow my choices down to get a nicely balanced force of 500 pts to paint over the next few weeks. Work on this will start on October 1st, let the challenge commence!



  1. I'm looking forward to this. It should be great fun, and I always like to have a target to aim for

  2. It should be fun and we get some stuff painted too.

    1. And those Naughty Elves of yours look great. I can't wait to see what you do with the Goody Two Shoes Elves

  3. Just thinking about colour schemes and (believe it or not in 6mm) shield designs.

    1. Depending on what flavour of G2S Elves, green or white/blue.
      Of course, I've seen your Macedonians, so I expect you'll be doing full quartered heraldry with devices

    2. You have guessed my colour scheme, shields maybe a little simpler.


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...