Tuesday, September 26, 2023

15mm Fantastic Battle, The battle of Mylken Meadow.

 Part two of our mini campaign today. In the last battle Ian's Dingly Dell Green Dragon was such a tough opponent that I decided to paint up it's twin brother. This was a not too devious plot to gently take the p*** out of Ian's dragon as I have the same model. I was going to paint it blue to go into my Ice Kin army but when I was rummaging through various boxes to find the exact model to mimic Ian's I also found a ready painted Blue Dragon already based for Fantastic battles. I quickly added some snow to it's base to make it fit in with the Ice Kin's basing. I then had to decide what colour to paint my other dragon and decided upon Green to match Ian's but also as a Forest Dragon to go in my Elf Army (a mix of High and Wood Elves). 

The blue Dragon is a pre painted D+D miniature that I painted in the blue scheme a few years ago and the Green model is a Reaper Bones young Dragon, 28mm models but both ideal for big dragons in 15mm. 

I enjoyed painting this model as a break from a seemingly endless line of 28mm Dark Age Saxon Spearmen. 
Here is a photo of both two green dragons, Ian's is the front one. 

So, on to today's game. With my Ice Elves victorious they gained a +1 bonus in the dice throw to decide Attacker/Defender and also may re-throw one set of dice at any point during today's game. Today's scenario was as below...

The Battle of Mylken Meadows

Battle 2 in a mini campaign between The Fey Ice Elves and the Forces of Dingly Dell

1,000 points per side.

Having won the battle at the crossroads Crasterlon Iceheart and his Ice Elves march deeper into the lands of Dingly Dell. Gathering some re-enforcements the Ice Elves come across the army of Dingly Dell gathering re-enforcements on the outskirts of the rural town of Mylken Meadows. The Ice Elves deployed on the northern high ground of Craw Hill whilst the Dingly Dell army deployed amongst the fields and buildings on the outskirts of the town.


The Ice Elves must deploy on the high ground at the Northern edge of the map, no more than 6BW in.

The Dingly Dell forces must deploy all their force within 6BW of the Southern table edge.

The forces must be no more than 8BW - 10BW apart after deployment.

Random Events, p41: at the start of each turn, players throw a d6 for Random Events as detailed on p41

Victory Points: the winner gains 5VP.

If the game is a draw then both forces earn 2 VP.

Players also earn 1VP if they can get at least one company +/or character onto the enemy base line.

The winner of the battle will also gains an extra 30 points of troops for the final battle.

The game lasts for 6 turns (+1 turn if a score of 4+ on a d6 at end of turn 6) or ends when one side loses over half of their companies and /or all their characters and their Warlord (or Magelord) is killed.

Ian's mad army of Dingly Dell folk had a new gnome idol, slow moving but with a defence of 6 it was a tough opponent.

The table after initial deployment. 

Mishaps played havoc with my deployment causing resolution loss and forced my centre unit of Elite Spearmen reeling backwards. 

The Dingly Dell force was not as badly disrupted by mishaps although their new idol was forced back. Ian had specifically placed it in the centre to counter my spearmen. With both units being forced backwards they were never going to meet.  

During turn 1 my spearmen failed their Impetuous action roll and continued to move back to my table edge. This effectively took 141 points of troops and a captain out of the game. 
That had me worried! 

A photo of some of the madness my Ice Elves had to face. Rampant Elk, imps, eagles, gnomes and giant walking mushrooms. It is a wonderfully eccentric and colourful army. 
Turn 2 saw the only Random Event with an armour cache being discovered just behind the Dingly Dell forces but we got so caught up in melee no-one claimed it before the game ended.

My tiger lancers crash into the imps scattering them. 

The imps about to scatter.
Dingly Dell forces then surrounded the tiger riders who died valiantly whilst dishing out much damage themselves. The tiger lancers were to be the only unit I lost in this game.
Elsewhere my drakkonians butcher the mad goats causing them to scatter. 
My mounted crossbow who had got around Ian's flank also scattered some flying witches.  
Although I was outnumbered by the Dingly Dell forces by targeting their poor quality troops I was able to bring Ian's army to over half his companies lost by the end of turn 4, game over. 
Fantastic Battles was once again fantastic fun. 

Victory Points earned: 

Ice Elves: 5 (campaign total 9) and an extra 30 pts of troops next game.    

Dingly Dell: 0 (campaign total 1)

With just one campaign game to go it is looking good for the Ice Elves. 


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