Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Capture the Bridges:15mm Soldiers of Napoleon

 Nigel has set up a great looking wargames table for his scenario of 'Capture the Bridges'. There were three bridges across the river that a dice throw had decided was not passable. There were also various hills and buildings to capture and hold. So with Nigel in charge of the French and Ian and I in charge of the British we dealt the cards and set to. 

Nigel (French) and Ian (British) check out each others deployment.

Ian soon captured the church earning some VP (Victory Points). 

The French chose to advance.

More French advancing. 

The French capture a bridge.

But the British take the Farmhouse. 

The French advanced their artillery but suffered badly from the British artillery that was already deployed. You can score quite a few VP's from destroying enemy units. 

Ian and I played a Special Event card on these French to stall their move across the river. 

Nice view of Nigel's lovely Church model held by the British. 

Overview of the table at the end of the game from the British side. We grabbed a bridge on the last turn earning some VP's that sealed a British victory. 

We all enjoyed the game and agree that 'Soldiers of Napoleon' (SoN) are now our rules of choice for Napoleonics. However, our game today progressed slowly as it took some time for us to work our way through the card aspect of the game. Movement, shooting and melee are quite quick and easy and I think we will be quicker with the cards from now on. It is the cards that really give the 'Napoleonic' flavour to the game. With Nigel and his French opting for aggressive tactics and the British more on the defensive we were able to get more shooting in than the French which helped us score more VP. Now we need to check up on one or two aspects of the rules to speed up or next game. 


  1. That's a lovely looking game. Gorgeous terrain and armies

  2. Good terrain certainly helps the atmosphere of the game.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...