Tuesday, September 12, 2023

War and Conquest with 15mm Medievals

 With Ian now having his own copy of the War and Conquest rules we thought we would give our 15mm Hundred Years War figures an outing to further test the rules. We used a scale of half an inch to each real inch for moving and firing and this seemed to work very well. There were also a few unit types we 'adopted' from the Wars of the Roses list to make up our 2,500 point forces. We also discovered that you do not get many units when so many of the troops are very well armed and armoured as all that kit costs points. Using some of the guidelines from the rulebook about terrain and deployment we ended set up as in the photo below, Ian's French on the left, my English on the right. 

I had a piece of light artillery deployed in the centre of my line, first shot it maxed out with it causing 5 damage to the central unit of French Knights who survived the ensuing Morale Test. 

Ian's very strong centre, three very colourful units of French knights. 

My Hobilar's guarding my right flank. They held this position for three turns before chasing off a unit of French bidet's in the final turn. 

My English held their line and deployed stakes in front of the archers as the French closed in.
The author of the rules, Rob Broom had very kindly suggested some rules on how to use stakes in the game. The French knights avoided charging the stakes and their infantry never reached them so sadly those rules never got tested.  
The English longbow units were reeking havoc amongst the advancing French Infantry thanks to some great dice throws.

The French Knights tried to charge too soon, all three failed to reach the English line. In my turn my dismounted knights gleefully charged the central unit of knights causing them to flee. 

The Knights then charged my billmen and the artillery on the hill. Surprisingly the artillery held for one turn whilst the billmen using their halberds ans rank bonuses defeated the knights on the second round of melee as some longbow came crashing into the flanks of the knights.  

The artillery threw an amazing 3 on their Morale check to survive...for one more turn.  

The billmen waving goodbye to one of the French Knight units. 

With two out of three units of Knights destroyed by the end of turn six, the loss in points for the French was so huge that a comfortable English victory was declared. 

Another fun game and we have just about got the main rules sorted now but I will still have a re-read of a few sections to double check. Back to the Dark Ages for our next game probably. 


  1. Medievals always look wonderfully colourful

  2. We both really really enjoyed painting our armies and we only started on them earlier this year. Of course I have more to paint.


The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...