Thursday, September 7, 2023

More 28mm Dark Ages

 Having enjoyed my first game of War and Conquest last week I was delighted to be invited over to new gaming friend George's house for another game, also set in the Dark Ages. George had spotted my post from last weeks game and happily he lives just a few minutes up the road from my daughter so not too far from me. George also has an amazing wargaming room, the whole of an old shop and plans are in place to make this into a wonderful gaming room.  It has not been converted into his ideal gaming room yet but even now it is an amazing space. It is also great to see another gamers collection of figures and amongst many forces George has a wonderful Seleucid army which he also used for games of War and Conquest. A new project for me next year perhaps? 

Use your imagination, how would you turn this wonderful space into the gaming room of your dreams.

This game saw my Norman's pitted against George's Saxon Heptarchy army. 
This photo shows my Normans advancing steadily. 
Sadly my photo of George's force came out to dark to be of any use.  

My skirmish archers were hiding in the front edge of the wood as my Milites advanced towards the Saxon cavalry. George had four large units of skirmishers screening the front of his units which were a real nuisance. 

George's Saxon Cavalry advance. 

Pesky skirmishers 

Happily my Pueri Light Cavalry smash through George's Skirmishers on my left flank. 
So far so good!

The centre saw a huge clash of infantry.

Suddenly it all started to go wrong as the Saxons won melee after melee.

The Saxon light cavalry see off my skirmish archers. 

There is hope as a unit of Milites defeat the Saxon cavalry and chase them off. 

With several units fleeing we called it a Saxon victory. This was a great game and I certainly learnt a lot about the rules which has to be a good thing. Thanks to George for hosting, hopefully we can get some more games in soon. 
Having played two games I am now busy redesigning  my Norman army with a mix of painted and unpainted figures, bases and movement trays on my desk. Both George and Charlie tended to use slightly larger units than I did which was interesting to note. Some of my units may increase in size and I am going to look more carefully at my weapon choices. 

George has also done a blog about our game; afterall history is usually written by the winners! You can read his thoughts on the game at the following link. 

Musings on Wargaming and Life: Normans again! (


  1. A nice report and a good game. Looking forward to more of the same.

  2. Thanks George, I think WaC is becoming one of my favourite games.

  3. That's a good looking battle. Sounds like a fun game too


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...