Wednesday, March 1, 2023

More 15mm Hail Caesar : The Carthaginians advance inland.

 We enjoyed our Carthaginian's invading Sicily game last week so much that we decided to play again with a follow up scenario this week. After their victory at Himera the Carthaginian's headed inland for the town of Inicum. As they approach the town they can see a small force of Greeks blocking their path. Adapting scenario 3 from the new Hail Caesar rulebook (page 184) we divided each army up into their divisions. The Greeks were allowed to deploy one division on the table blocking the way to Inicum, then each side could deploy one division per turn on a successful order roll. If the order was failed then that division could try again next turn and so on...

Hamilcar inspiring his troops.

Ian and Phil were in charge of the Carthaginian's again with Nigel and myself commanding the Greeks. 

Gelon and his elite hoplites ready to defend the way into Inicum.

The staggered deployment worked well and helped conceal each sides plans. It also gave the two forces time and space to manoeuvre until the Carthaginians re-started their lucky dice throwing by often passing their order tests with 3 moves to zoom forward and start threatening the Greeks. 

The Carthaginians advance. 

The Greeks form their battle line.

Ian gets ready to belt his Carthaginians with the rulebook if they don't advance a bit quicker 

Ian tries to get his cavalry around the Greek flanks once again. 

The Greeks send some light troops forward to try and slow the Carthaginian cavalry down. 

They also sent light troops forward to skirmish with the Carthaginian heavy foot. 

The Greeks did quite well with their skirmishing during the early stages of this battle. 

The start of the clash of the main infantry divisions in the centre.
Elephants are quite nasty when able to use their special rule forcing a defeated enemy to 
re-roll a dice on their break test. 
At this early stage of the battle the dice throws, although fairly even, the Carthaginian troops still managed to gain the upper hand.  

Ian threatens my Elite Hoplites with the Carthaginian Cavalry. 

Combat results elsewhere on the table forced the Elite Hoplites down from their hill as it was thought their help was needed as lady luck deserted the Greeks and the Carthaginian's were winning most of the melee's.  Events soon made them retreat back up the hill again before finally charging towards the centre in a last gasp desperate attempt to break the Carthaginian infantry. (It didn't work!). 

Meanwhile Nigel was testing the Carthaginian (Phil) Gallic allies resolve. 

Nigel managed to keep them at bay for most of the game.  However, when Phil finally got his Gallic Warband into conflict he managed to score a hit with every dice thrown, (same as last week).
 Nigel's dice throwing was on a par with mine and his cavalry got battered. 
With the end of the battle nigh I forgot to take any more photo's in all the excitement. 
The Carthaginians continued their ruthlessness in attack winning melee's even when I thought Nigel or I would/should win them!  This was another hard fought battle but definitely another Carthaginian victory.  

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28mm Macedonian Progress.

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