Thursday, March 2, 2023

28mm Fantasy Diversion

 In between painting various historical projects I often take a short break by painting a few 28mm Fantasy figures. These can range from elves for a Sylvan Kin 'Kings of War' army to a few 'Old School' pre-slotta figures. 

First we have a few Sylvan Kin, so freshly painted that the elf spearmen still need their base texturing. The elves are all 'Oathmark' miniatures, plastic spearmen and metal characters. I also recently re-based a few Tree Shamblers onto new bases that better match my new basing style for KOW.  The standards were designed on a computer drawing programme, printed in colour and then painted over to make them look better. 

The Sylvan Kin so far. A troop of Sylvan Gladestalkers, two troops of Kindred Tallspears that can be combined into a regiment, a troop of Silverbreeze Cavalry, a troop of Gur Panthers that look like Wolf Hounds and two regiments of Tree Shamblers that can be combined into a Horde. The characters are a Master Hunter (the famed Emyn Lockharn), Elf Prince with Wolf Hound (wild cat) Elf Archmage and an Army Standard Bearer. Must be around 1,000 points in total?. 

The first purchase of my 'Old School' minis idea were these very old 'Conquest Miniatures' sculpted by Bryan Ansell back in the late 70's (I think) and I am sure I used to buy them from Skytrex? I got 10 minis in the purchase, all the same pose but have only painted 6 so far as that makes a unit of skirmishers for the Dragon Rampant rules which will probably be the rules of choice for this project plus other various fantasy skirmish rules.  

The next acquisition were some old school 'Asgard' dwarves. Many of these I got from good friend Chris (cheers Chris). I have only painted 6 so far which makes half a unit of warriors. I have another 12 to paint but am keeping my eye out for more.  

I have always admired the Grenadier High elves sculpted by the very talented Mark Copplestone quite a few years ago now. I rate these as some of the best Elf sculpts you can get , tall, slender yet regal looking. Their features could perhaps be a little more 'elfin'? Happily you can still buy these figures quite easily from a couple of companies and also ebay so it will be easier to expand this collection. 
Happily I already have a large collection of single based fantasy figures from numerous makes that can boost the numbers into a Dragon Rampant sized force for both the good guys and the evil.   



  1. It's great to see some classic fantasy, and you are doing them proud.

  2. Many thanks Mister C. Many more to come hopefully.


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...