Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rapid Fire: Claim the Villages

 Todays game of Rapid Fire saw 300 points of Americans fighting for possession of 4 villages against 300 points of Germans. Ian and Phil led the American's once more and Nigel and I were in charge of the Germans again. 

Nigel moves his infantry into one of the villages... 

...and then claimed a second village!

Ian and Phil had claimed one village and then moved up some support. 

My Puma took a position on our right flank and never had a target all game as Phil played a very cautious game, waiting until the next to last turn before trying to claim their second village.   

By now the American's were well established in their first village, a ruin. 

First time Ian had used a flame thrower, he even made a special effect measuring device. 
He enjoyed frying my Nebelwerfer. 

Phil's mortars were very effective against our pak 40's and the Pz III observation tank.  

It was an odd and very static game really. Both sides dug in around their closest villages and fought from there. No surprise that the game ended in a draw as both sides controlled two villages each and suffered quite a few casualties as any forward movement was easily defeated.    


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...