Wednesday, January 18, 2023

More Rapid Fire

I played around with another scenario out of the Normandy Battlegame's book, Ian and Phil as the Americans again and Nigel and I repeated our role as the Germans. At 400 points each it was quite a large game with the objective being to control the village in the 'almost' centre of the table. Control of each house was worth 1victory point, the Church and Churchyard 2 vp and the large factory 3 vpts.  We set ourselves a target of 15 turns but only managed 9. 

The American forces got the first turn and sent their Recce vehicles into the village. 

One of Phil's Recce vehicles regretted being so bold. 

German re-enforcements arrive. 

Nigel's German infantry manged to quickly occupy the eastern side of the village. 

Ian got the American re-enforcements, the Sherman's. . 

Phil plastered my Pz IV's with smoke so they could not target his advancing forces.  

My Panther behind the ruin took some heavy damage whilst taking pot shot's at Ian's Sherman's and Phil's Stuart Tank. On the last turn of the game about 4 tanks got brewed and the Stuart tank which had been on from turn 1 survived, damaged but still shooting!

By the end of the game the American's had taken the factory despite heavy indirect artillery fire but the Germans controlled most of the rest of the buildings. Whilst the fighting had been fierce, casualties were fairly even but the Germans easily had the most victory points. 
Another great game but we were perhaps too ambitious with the size of our forces. We play again next week but with 300 points a side to see if we can get through more turns. .  



  1. That looks fun, there's something about tanks, reminds me of the fun I had pushing plastic tanks around when very young, and later playing Space Marine.
    Question, what is brewed? I take it they weren't making tea


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...