Wednesday, January 4, 2023

General De Brigade in 25mm

 For our first game of 2023 Nigel had very kindly invited us over for a game of General de Brigade using his wondeerful 'old school' collection of MiniFigs, Lamming and Hinchliffe figures.

 He even provided lunch, what a legend! The table looked great with lots of well painted resin buildings adding to the overall atmosphere. Nigel had also cooked  up an imaginary scenario of British v French fighting over two objectives, a village and a large hill. The dice decided that Phil and I commanded the French with Ian and Nigel in charge of the British. The two sides were fairly symmetrical in design with a few slight differences in troop quality. Phil and Nigel ended up fighting over the village whilst Ian and I contested the Hill, a far simpler objective. 

Phil's Infantry Brigade approach the the village. 

The view across the table after deployment. 

Here comes Nigel's British Infantry, also  aiming for the villlage. 

On the other flank Ian's British Infantry Brigade with cavalry support rush for the top of the hill. 

However, my French Infantry also rushed the hill supported by some Hussars who proceeded to chase Ian's cavalry from the board. They then swept round onto the French Infantry's flank and rear causing mayhem.  

A good view of the tussle over the village as both sides seek cover to fire from. 

My French Hussars in the bottom right about to chase of some British light cavalry. Although my dice throw's were fairly average Ian's were dreadful. 

The British trying to take the village. 

Where have all the British Infantry gone? The top of the hill claimed by my French Infantry after defeating the British aided by the Hussar's. 

The firefight in the village was fairly even. The British column top centre, try to charge the French line behind the wall but get stopped by the French shooting. 

Eventually the French firing cause Nigel's British Infantry to 'Falter' just as my Brigade start to swing round and advance on their left flank. Game over with a solid victory declared for the French. 
General De Brigade gave us great game although we do need to check one or two things in the rules to make sure we were playing it right. I found them easier to understand than some aspects of General D'Armee but a few rules/areas were also a bit predictable such as melee casualties although the morale checks caused by melee were far less predictable.
Very happy to play this again and Nigel's 'old school' armies are just brilliant!  


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...