Todays game of Rapid Fire saw 300 points of Americans fighting for possession of 4 villages against 300 points of Germans. Ian and Phil led the American's once more and Nigel and I were in charge of the Germans again.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Rapid Fire: Claim the Villages
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
More Rapid Fire
I played around with another scenario out of the Normandy Battlegame's book, Ian and Phil as the Americans again and Nigel and I repeated our role as the Germans. At 400 points each it was quite a large game with the objective being to control the village in the 'almost' centre of the table. Control of each house was worth 1victory point, the Church and Churchyard 2 vp and the large factory 3 vpts. We set ourselves a target of 15 turns but only managed 9.
Monday, January 16, 2023
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Back to Rapid Fire
We haven't played Rapid Fire for some months but today we returned to the game with a heavily adapted scenario based on the 'Cambes' scenario from the Normandy Battlegame's book. We had to replace the British troops with Ian's American forces. I also had to swap the terrain about a bit as I did not have enough road sections. As suggested in the book we allocated points values to all the main buildings and crossroads but played a straight, who was in control of the most points after 16 turns.
Ian and Phil were in charge of the Americans whilst Nigel and I were the Germans.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
General De Brigade in 25mm
For our first game of 2023 Nigel had very kindly invited us over for a game of General de Brigade using his wondeerful 'old school' collection of MiniFigs, Lamming and Hinchliffe figures.
He even provided lunch, what a legend! The table looked great with lots of well painted resin buildings adding to the overall atmosphere. Nigel had also cooked up an imaginary scenario of British v French fighting over two objectives, a village and a large hill. The dice decided that Phil and I commanded the French with Ian and Nigel in charge of the British. The two sides were fairly symmetrical in design with a few slight differences in troop quality. Phil and Nigel ended up fighting over the village whilst Ian and I contested the Hill, a far simpler objective.
Old School Goblin Goodies
With a game against my friend Chris coming up next week I felt it was time to add a few more figures to my goblin army. We have settled on...

This week we tried a small game of a new set of rules specifically aimed at the Norman Conquest era in Britain called 'On Bloody Groun...
Our first game of 2024 was another try at 'Never Mind the Matchlocks' using our slowly growing range of 15mm English Civil War figur...
Andy Callan, the author of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' was asking for volunteer's to play test an ECW version of the rules (...