Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Ice Drow against Orcs, 15mm Fantastic Battles.

 Phil brought along his 15mm Orcs for a battle against my Ice Drow today, using the excellent Fantastic Battles rules. No specific scenario today, just a straight forward scrap apart from we used my newly finished 'Viking Bearserkers' as a random company that once contacted could join either side. The Bearserkers were living in the hut bottom middle of the photo. The blue dice there is our turn counter. 

A quick dice throw decided that Ian was aiding me with my Ice Drow and the armies deployed as below.  

A view along part of the Orc line. 

The whole Orc army, great figures. 

Turn 2 and my artic wolves activate the Bearserkers who promptly ally themselves with the orcs (there was a dice throw that decided this) so the artic wolves chased them down and destroyed them. 

Turn 3 and the Orc archers in the wood (we had removed the trees for ease of movement) manage to defeat the wolves and the Ice Drow rogue with them.  Deploying his big unit of orc archers in the wood (they were skirmish troops with Forester) proved to be a great move by Phil as they proved impossible to dislodge and cost me dearly. 

The photo below shows how the rest of the table was descending into a huge battle. With Ian forgetting to apply his Shieldwall trait properly and my Trolls forgetting to both regenerate and throw rocks the Ice Drow did not really help themselves and Phil's well armoured Orcs ground out a very convincing victory, only losing one unit by the end of turn 6. Even the dice seemed to be on Phil's side (I won't mention that Phil was using my lucky red dice!). Another fun game despite the great win by Phil and his Orcs but revenge shall be mine!

Meanwhile I have decided to add a few fantasy companies to my 15mm Vikings so that I can use them in Fantastic Battles too. Below is the first company, the above mentioned Viking Bearserkers. The bear is a Copplestone Castings bear (I think) and the Vikings are from the Splintered light range. Plenty more to come including a Frost Giant.

I have also started to paint my third 10mm ACW army, having sold the previous two. Here is a photo of the first batch fresh from the painting table. I have opted to paint up a Confederate force this time around but may get some Union eventually as well. We will be using the Black Powder rules with the ACW Glory Hallelujah supplement. Figures are from Pendraken.

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