Wednesday, July 21, 2021

More 6mm Pike and Shotte

 For this weeks battle we chose the Adwalton Moor scenario but tweaked it a little to balance the sides a little better. Phil took the role of Lord Fairfax in charge of the Parliamentarian forces whilst Ian and I shared out the Royalist troops. Ian enjoys the challenge of being in charge of cavalry so he opted to control our mounted Battalia, one on each flank whilst I took control of the centre. Having won the initiative Ian lucked out on his Command roll's and his left flank advanced rapidly whilst the right wing were a little more cautious. In my role as the Earl of Newcastle I also sent my cavalry forward through the centre.(see first Photo).  

Our rapid advance caused a few problems for Phil and in the photo below you can see Ian's 4 units of horse (on the right) take on Phil's 2 units a melee which Ian won destroying Phil's front unit.   
This early action put Phil on the back foot and although he lined the field with musketeers and Dragoons we were able to largely move around it. 

The last photo shows my centre battalia of foote also rapidly advancing now, effectively encircling Phil's forces on three sides. A few more rounds of shooting and melee all seemed to go largely our way and so Phil conceded the game. 
Once again we had great fun and seem to be getting the hang of the Pike and Shotte rules and so are getting through the turns a bit quicker. 
Next week however, we move back to medieval times for More 'Never Mind the Billhooks'. 


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28mm Macedonian Progress.

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