Sunday, July 25, 2021

15mm ACW Black Powder

 The guys at the Ingleton club kindly invited me along for their first game in well over a year. With John hosting,  Andy had set up a scenario based on the Battle of Antietam one in the Black Powder 2 rulebook, watered down to suit the clubs collection of 15mm ACW figures. I was given the role of JEB Stuart to hold the left flank and I also commanded Jackson who had to try and hold a cornfield. 

The table looked amazing as 6 enthusiastic players gathered around to see the might of the Union army drive back the smaller holding force of Confederates. 

The photo above shows my men defending the cornfield which we held until the end of turn 6 before being overran by Tom and Tony's advancing Union troops.  

I actually inflicted the first casualty of the game with my cannon, hitting Tony's advancing columns. This piece of fast moving horse artillery was to prove to be my 'Man of the Match' as it  managed to remain undamaged whilst inflicting a steady flow of casualties on the enemy. See the photo below...

The Union forces had 8 turns to push us Confederates back and by turn 7 they had pretty much done so all over the board.  Here is a photo of the right flank as Johnny slowly but inevitably pushed John's troops back to help the Union troops earn their victory.  
It was a great game and we Confederates almost held out for 8 turns but when we started to collapse the rot set in quickly. Thanks all for a great game.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Martin, it was certainly a great looking game.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...