Wednesday, July 14, 2021

15mm More General D'Armee

 Today's game, hosted by Howard was another game of General D'Armee using his lovely collection of 15/18mm AB and Battle Honours figures with some of Phil's Old Glory Prussian's. We opted for a simple encounter scenario, loosely based on a battle detailed in the 1815 One Hundred Days pdf set of scenarios.

With the British (Howard) defending their base line, aided by Phil's Prussians, Ian and I as the French felt obliged to attack. Our aim was to break some of the elite British units and hopefully break through. The table looked splendid with the large units favoured by Howard as we all cooked in the strong sun - we were playing in Howard's garden. On our left flank my cavalry brigades charged forward forcing the Prussians into square but we made very little impact other than that. 

In the centre both Ian and I made a slow advance whilst we tried to soften up the Elite British units with artillery fire. Ian tried to advance more quickly on the left and did manage to see off the British Royal Horse Artillery but that also cost him a few skirmish bases. Phil and Howard held their line and were not tempted to move forward. By the end of the afternoon both sides had made small gains but not enough to gain victory so we called it a draw. 

We are still learning the rules so we perhaps staged too large a game. However, we all really like the rules and feel they reflect Napoleonic Warfare very well. We just need to re-read them a bit more now.  

Inspired by all this 15mm Napoleonic goodness I have started acquiring some figures of my own. Having browsed various manufacturers I went for some 15mm Essex Miniatures British as they are really nice figures, not too expensive and they also have a very full range. For starters I am going to base my collection on Kempt's 8th Brigade of Picton's 5th Infantry Division at Quatre Bras. So far I have cleaned up lots of figures and got them ready for painting but I have managed to paint a command base to represent Kempt himself plus an ADC.

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