Friday, October 9, 2020

Great British 'Build Off', part 2.

 So my Great British 'Build Off' is slowly coming together. I have cut out and made the walls and add detail such as the windows, doors and the wooden beams.

 I used the 'Gary Chalk method' for the windows and doors - this means building them flat and then adding them once made. I even built them directly onto the plan and then cut them out. I see this as a short cut, not cheating? 

Chris is making good progress with his build too...
Interesting how Chris has added the basic roof before adding doors and windows etc, the opposite from what I did. He has also made a rather good chimney. The competition continues...


  1. Looking good there ser.
    I'll point out that I've only added the base for the roof. The tiles will go on after timbering and texturing the walls

  2. ...and I will pinch the idea of drawing guide lines for my tiles.

  3. Nice windows too, I like the lattice effect; I wonder if you used the same technique I will.

  4. Both looking good, gentlemen..!
    - The Other One

  5. I think we have all learnt the same techniques and shared ideas etc...


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...