Monday, October 12, 2020

'The Great British Build' Off part 3

 Progress is being made on my house (in between painting 28mm figures for 'Never mind the billhooks' and a few Normans for my Saga force). I have added texture to the walls, a milliput chimney and made a start on tiling the roof. I am using the inner side of the cardboard from my Perry miniatures plastic figure sets. I have drawn out all the tiles in strips which I then cut one strip at a time, snip a few corners etc... for added detail and glue into place. It does feel like the house is coming together now. 

As mentioned earlier, I am continuing to paint figures for my Lancastrian Wars of the Roses force for 'Never mind the Billhooks'. Today I completed my first command stand, Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland. I have read that standards like his had batons in them to keep them rigid and therefore more recognizable, so just how much 'ripple' effect (folds) can I put into a banner like this? The banner comes free with the boxes of Perry miniatures although the heralds flag is freehand. 


  1. Excellent progress ser, I shall have to pull my metaphorical socks up.

  2. Well between we shall have the start of a great medieval/fantasy village.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...