Thursday, November 21, 2019

To the Strongest in 28mm

I went over to Pete's house today for a couple of games of To the Strongest between my Gauls and Pete's Persians. Pete's Persians are a very balanced army with a good mix of infantry, cavalry and missile troops. My Gauls are full of Warriors with a few bases of cavalry and skirmishers. 
In the first game Pete won the scouting and soon put me under pressure with his shooting so I felt that I had no choice, in went the warriors and being 'deep units' they are a hard nut to crack. It was very close fought game but my Gauls just won.

In the second game I managed to win the scouting and opted to rush straight in at Pete. On my left flank Pete got around my line with some light cavalry whilst I managed to threaten his right flank with my cavalry. End result was Pete destroyed my entire cavalry command in one turn whilst I then destroyed most of his right command. My brave warriors in the centre were badly damaging Petes heavy infantry and starting to threaten his camp. Sadly for me Pete's light cavalry captured my camp and thus won all my victory coins just ahead of me captruing his. Final score = 1 v 1.
These were great games and To the Strongest is a good set of rules. There were one or two things that did not seem quite right, the all singing and dancing scythed chariot being the main one. They are far to versatile under the rules as written and need some serious thought for any fiuture second edition. 

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