Thursday, November 28, 2019

A bit of Bolt Action

Today Pete came across to my house for a test game of Bolt Action in preparation for our larger demo game at the Battleground show on Saturday. I couldn't help playing at parading my DAK vehicles whilst setting up the table.  

In the actual game we were very rusty with the rules to begin with but after a few turns we were speeding through them. I made an ill-fated dash to control the central building which cost me dearly and my forces never really recovered from just how many 6's Pete was throwing. Best moment of the game for me was my AT gun blowing up Pete's armoured car first shot! Although both sides were badly battered it ended a convincing 4-1 win for Pete as he had destroyed four of my units whilst I could only claim the armoured car despite having lots of pinned markers on his other units. . 

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28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...