Sunday, October 20, 2019

Testing our Bolt Action demo game.

Today the Old Guard club met for a trial run of our demonstration 1942 Western Desert themed game of Bolt Action for the Battleground show in November. Setting up on a 12x6 foot table with a huge ridge across the middle. The scenario was the 8th army set up to defend the ridge from the advancing Italians. The Afrika Korps were sweeping around the 8th armies flank. 

Here are Pete's Italians trying to advance, the fact that none of us really knew the rules very well slowed the first few turns down. 
After a couple of turns we were progressing much better. 

Amidst much confusion and laughter the game moved along quite quickly. Here, Stig's armoured car moves to intercept the Italians. 
 John's Panzer 3 proved to be quite effective.
 The British position on the ridge.
Soon the Axis forces with their superior numbers and fire power seemed to gain the upper hand and after 5 turns the 8th army players conceded the game as their casualties began to rise. 
Overall the scenario played well but the 8th army needed a bit more fire power, a couple more vehicles or AT guns and we should have used a few more bits of scenery for them to cower behind. Hopefully we will all have read the rules by the end of November. 
And a few more photos, thanks to Steve.


  1. Shame you missed it, it was a good game and we could have done with your extra dice and 2pdr Portee.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...