Monday, October 7, 2019

Goblin re-enforcements, a hut and a map.

Goblin re-enforcements, a hut and a map. 

Here is a photo of my goblin King, Krag with his newly finished hut. This is actually a small 28mm building, just the right size for an impressive 15mm hut for King Krag. My just finished, 2nd regiment of goblin rabble also sneaked into the photo shoot. Combined with my other regiment I can also field them as a horde. To help the rabble look this unit mixes models from Alternative Armies, Essex, Tin Soldier, Ral Partha, Demonworld, Magister Militum, Pendraken and possibly more. 
We, (good friend Chris and I) intend to match my 15mm Goblin Army v his 15mm Ogres. The map shows our initlal preperation for a KOW 3rd edition campaign set in a world of our own creation: Brynglan. This will be a slowly developing campaign as we intend to have a couple of practise games first to get used to any rule changes. Notes and emails are currently being exchanged as we work out our own campaign system; all of which will be recorded here.  
King Krag and his goblins dwell in Azgarheim and the surrounding area, the nasty, opressive ogres live just south, with Cold Plains being their main stronghold. 


  1. Nasty oppressive ogres indeed? Ha, fake news

  2. Fake news is often believed!

    1. We shall cleanse it with the blood of our enemies.


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...