Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Ogre and Goblin Wars.

Luckily for me my mate Chris and his family opted to have their holiday in the Dales this year so I popped round last night for a game of 15mm Kings of War. We were using the Ogre and Goblin armies that we have been collecting and painting recently. Chris has very cleverly made his ogres from 20mm plastic orcs, but the way he has painted them makes them look great, see...
This game was to be a follow on from a previous smaller game won by the ogres so I quickly put a scenario together as follows...
The Battle of Fyngore’s Keep
Krag hawked and spat. Ogres,how he hated them, even though he had only first met any a few weeks ago; that day they had left him bloody and battered. Today he would have his revenge. He glanced up at the giant next to him; Kral Kral Kan would help him gain that revenge. Surely no ogre could stand against the mighty giant and his huge blood soaked club.
Krag had assembled a mighty goblin host and headed south. His scouts had told him the ogres were camped near the remains of Fyngores Keep, an ancient ruin west of the River Thynn. Now the two armies were close, the ogres, having spotted the goblin army were hurriedly forming ranks. Drums beating, horns blowing, Krag waved his army forward, this was a good day to kill some ogre...

This battle is played as Scenario 6 (p87) from the main rulebook, ‘Kill and Pillage’ with each army totalling 1250 points.

Objective: At the end of the game each side totals the points value of all enemy units they routed. There are also 3 objective markers on the table each worth an extra 125 points to whichever side controls them at the end of the last turn.
To place the markers each player should throw a d6, the highest throw places the first and then alternate until all 3 markers are placed. The markers should be at least 12” apart.
Game Length: 6 turns, then on a d6 throw, 1-3 the game ends, 4-6 play a 7th and final turn.

Victory goes to the player with the highest points total as long as that total is at least 10% higher than the enemy total, otherwise the game is a draw. 

After 2 turns my goblins were in a good position, having damaged many ogre units with missile fire and waiting for the ogres to come to us. 

You can see Fyngore's Keep in the photo above. This model was made a few years ago from cork tile and polystyrene packaging. 

After 4 turns the goblins started to worry as when the ogres finally got into melee their superior attack and defence started to tell. This was despite my cunning plan to try and out number them in melee by having two goblin units take on single units of ogres. The ogre berserks proved to be the game winners, taking out my mawbeasts, King Krag, my fleabag riders, the spitters and my army standard bearer, (about half my army) I shall shoot those guys to bits next game!!!! By the end of turn 6 it was all over and the ogres scored a deserved victory but it felt epic and was great fun. 

My thanks to Chris for hosting a game whilst on his holidays. 


  1. I really enjoyed it too, and for the first three turns I was the one worrying.
    Nice goblin army to face as well.

  2. Thanks Mister C, more goblin v ogres next battle I think?

    1. Absolutely. After all, both ogres and goblins will be supported in the third edition rule book


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...