Saturday, September 7, 2019

Border Reiver Show 2019

Today I drove up to Gateshead for my annual visit to the Border Reiver Wargames Show. I always enjoy this show despite it perhaps being one of the smaller ones. Although initially busy the show did quieten down after lunch. One of the reasons for this must have been the smaller number of traders, perhaps due to the clash with Colours at Newbury? 
I also did my usual trick of booking a table for a spot of selling. I didn't have quite as much to sell this year but still made a decent profit, especially in the first 10 minutes which was quite manic. Slightly annoying was the fact that at least 3 of the sellers seemed to be businesses rather than gamers selling their stuff and they had spread out over quite a few tables mainly flogging GW stuff!.  
As for purchases, I pounced on some Bolt Action vehicles on the sale tables, a half-track and a stug 111 for just £7 each. I also bought some scatter items to help me create some more desert scenery, walls, lines of sandbags, crates and oil drums. 
Of course as soon as I got home I dropped the vehicles, snapping the plastic aerials off, these have now been replaced with wire ones. I also got an Afrika Korps 80mm mortar. 
Finally, I also bought a goblin hut. This is meant for 28mm figures but is quite small so it should make an excellent hall for King Krag, leader of my 15mm goblins. I will post a photo of this when it is painted. 
Surprisingly for me I actually came home with more money than I went with thanks to my sales. That profit should buy Ann and I lunch tomorrow somewhere on our long bike ride. 

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