Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Trying 'General D'Armee' v2 in 15mm

 Howard, Ian and Nigel have been playing a few games of the new version of 'General D'Armee' and this week I was able to go along to Nigel's house to try them out too. Nigel had adapted a scenario where the British and Prussians were attacking, needing to secure a village and a hill with a windmill on it and the French who were withdrawing had to defend them and slow the Allies down. Nigel took on the role of the French with Ian and I dividing the allies up between us. 

Looking along the Allied line towards the village.

The French on the defensive.
Nigel had set up a lovely looking table, ideal for this scenario.  

My British Light cavalry brigade supported by the RHArtillery (turned to the rear to show they are limbered up as I haven't painted the limbers yet) go on the attack.

Turn two and the British Light cavalry smash into the flank of the French artillery deployed just outside the village and wipe them out. 

With the French artillery destroyed the Light Cavalry then withdrew. 

Inspired by the success of the British Light Cavalry, the French heavies aim for Ian's British Foot Artillery.

The result was the same, and the French heavy Cavalry also opted to withdraw.

A view of the French defending the village.

The Prussians advance against the first part of the village and after a couple of turns of intense melee force the French back. 
We had to stop play here as we ran out of time but happily we have left the game set up to hopefully continue next week. 

The game played really well and all three of us felt that the rules have been refined and improved to provide a smoother, quicker moving game. Finally we think we have found the set of rules for Napoleonics for our little gaming group.  


  1. That set up looks great.
    And well done on finding the one ruleset to rule them all

  2. We enjoyed it so much that Ian and I have now ordered our own copy of the rules.


15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...