Tuesday, April 30, 2024

General D'Armee v2, game concludes.

 Back to Nigel's house today for the conclusion of our General D'Armee v2 game. Nigel had set an excellent scenario of a withdrawing French force (commanded by Nigel) trying to delay or stop the British and Prussian army (me and Ian) from getting over the river. 

Here is how we left the game. You can see the bridge over the river behind the first village section. Ian had already captured this section once but had been driven out again.  
This photo also shows what a great looking game it was. 

Over on the left flank my British infantry brigade was tasked with getting over the river. This proved very hard as Nigel's light infantry were making excellent use of the riverbank and it's cover.  

The British slowly forcing the French back, both sides were taking quite a few casualties. 

Over on the right flank Nigel was able to advance his French Infantry as Ian was wrapped up in trying to eliminate the French Heavy Cavalry that are just the other side of the windmill. 
By the left side of the bridge that section of village had been recaptured by Nigel and then taken again by Ian; this became our only gain by the end of the game. 

As my British infantry managed to get across the river, they were so heavily damaged they opted to withdraw from what seemed a no win situation, there were just too many French line units to deal with.

My brigade of British Hussars went on one last hurrah, charging around the woods towards the river.

Smashing into a French line unit on the river bank. At first I thought the cavalry were going to break through as depicted in the photo. But this was a learning game and we had forgotten to give the infantry the chance to form into a square. Sadly for my cavalry, the infantry duly formed square and repulsed the attack. With the afternoon wearing away, Ian and I decided upon a strategic withdrawal and awarded Nigel the game as we just could not get across the river. 

All three of us enjoyed this scenario and we also feel we learnt a lot about the rules so our game play should speed up next time we play. 

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