Sunday, October 16, 2022

Club Day at Scruton

 Really enjoyed myself today with a first trip back up to see the lads at the Scruton Club. John very kindly hosted a 15mm Black Powder game for me using slightly amended rules to better suit the period. John has clearly put a lot of time into his Franco Prussian project recently and has also created some wonderful terrain to go with it. John (Prussians) proceeded to give me (French) a right drubbing but I still really enjoyed the game. It looked great and was played in good spirit. 

From behind the Prussian lines.

The French view.

One of the main clashes as the Prussians managed to occupy the chateau and the French could not dislodge them. 

The two divisions of cavalry about to clash-this did not go well for the French either.

The victorious Prussian cavalry then enjoyed rampaging across my left flank. 
Not much later with half of my army in flight a Prussian victory was declared. 

There were a few other games going on too. This one is 10mm ACW.

10mm Pony Wars, looked like all sorts of western chaos was going on. 

10mm Seven Years War 

Overall, a most enjoyable day, catching up with old friends and having a good game. 


  1. Looks fun. I do like a good club, with lots of games going on all at the same time.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...