Wednesday, October 12, 2022

10mm ACW using Black Powder: Capture the Railway Station

 Having decided to play 10mm ACW this week (using Black Powder rules) and Ian having scratch-built a model rail station devising a scenario was easy. We plonked the station in the exact table centre and both sides were told to capture it. If they could not capture the station then they had to try and destroy a section of track to prevent the enemy from using it. The game would last 12 turns. 

The dice decided that the Union (Ian and Nigel) would enter on the town/built up part of the board whilst the Confederates (Phil and me) would come onto the board on the more rural/farmed side of the board.  As well as a few fields there was also a good mix of heavy and light woods. 

The Rebels won the initiative and were able to rapidly send forward their cavalry brigade who dismounted and grabbed the station. 

The train (very nice but pure decoration in this scenario). 

A very large Union Infantry brigade (led by General Ian) marched forward through the town towards the station. 

Overview of the station. At this point of the game both sides started to suffer a dreadful run of failed Command Throws resulting in not much happening on either flank. 

The Confederate Brigade on the right flank failing their Command Throw for the 5th turn out of six so far. It was at this point we remembered that some units such as limbered artillery could still have 1 move even if the Command roll was failed. 

Union horse (led by General Nigel) finally move across the railway. 

The Union infantry finally charge the station bravely held by the Confederate cavalry...

... and the Union infantry get sent packing.
 We discovered that it is very hard to dislodge units from buildings. 
On the Confederate right the Union cavalry tried to turn our flank but some excellent shooting from General Phil soon put a holt to that. On the left, both sides finally advanced into the action. The Confederate Infantry were able to repel the Union attack. Union General Ian had one last try at attacking the station but was repelled once again. Getting desperate the Union General Nigel tried to destroy the rail line with artillery fire but failed by just one point. 
Game over, and with the Confederate cavalry still holding the station they claimed the victory. 
Good fun game, lots of action and plenty of banter too.  



  1. Yes, N gauge track and carriages. Actual train is a cast model but not sure where from.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...