Thursday, September 22, 2022

More 6mm Biblical Hail Caesar

 For this week's game we got our 6mm Biblical armies and Hail Caesar rules out once again. Phil and his Egyptians allied with Ian's Elamites to take on my Hittites who had narrowly won the last game. The scenario was that the Egyptian and Elamite forces had to divide their deployment with one force coming in on the top left side and the other on the top right. By contrast the Hittites were able to deploy in one block on the lower right side of the table. 

In the photo below my Hittites are on the left with Pharoh Phil's Egyptian's fast approaching top right and Ian's Elamites on the lower right. My dice throwing for passing orders was shocking all game and the Allies also struggled a bit on the first couple of turns. My plan was simple, try and deal with the Elamites first and put a holding force on my left to keep Phil's Egyptians at bay. 

My poor dice throwing for orders resulted in me not getting to move most of my force and scuppered that plan. 

The Egyptian's advancing. 

The Elamites were coming for me too, those Elamite Onager drawn battle carts proved to be very tough and really slowed down my plan. When my Hittite chariots clashed with the Elamite battle carts their 3+ save was a nasty shock. When they managed to wound my C-in-C it was even worse and it was still only turn 3. 

A slow advance from my Hittites (top) did not help either. 
This game will be remembered for the high amount of Blunders thrown by both sides resulting in some amusing unforeseen events. 

Look at all those damage and red disorder counters as what is left of my poor Hittite Chariots beat a hasty retreat. 

Phil started to try and work his chariots around my left flank. Some top shooting from my archers resulted in one unit of chariots failing a Break Test (scoring 3 on 2xd6) so off they went. Otherwise, shooting from both sides was pretty poor for most of the game. 

In the centre the Elamites and Egyptians worked very well together and made excellent use of supporting troops to defeat some of my best infantry in melee. 

Despite fierce fighting all over the table the Egyptian's and Elamites always seemed to be doing that bit better than the Hittites so gradually division by division my army started to crumble and withdraw. 

This seemed to be a really hard-fought battle yet the result was quite an emphatic win for Pharoh Phil and his Elamite Allies. Hail Caesar is one of our favourite sets of rules as we always get a great game in. 



  1. Great battle report, sound like you all had fun.

  2. It was great fun. Still can't quite believe I lost so badly, the battle seemed closer than that?


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...