Sunday, September 18, 2022

15mm Vikings

Just over a year ago I decided I would like to collect Vikings, Saxons and Normans in 15mm for use mainly with the 'Hail Caesar' rules. The main make of figures I decided to collect was 'Forged in Battle' as I really enjoyed painting up lots of their Greeks and Persians. Having acquired boxed army sets of the three forces I have also gradually been adding extra troops and unit command figures from Forged in Battle and a few other companies such as Baudea and Splintered Light. 

So far I have mainly concentrated on my Vikings although I have painted a few units of Anglo-Saxons/Anglo Danish. Then Dan Mersey released his Wiglaf Early Saxons so, being a wargames butterfly, a few units of those were also painted. Recently I have got back to the Vikings and below is a photo of my latest unit just completed today. 

You can possibly just see that there are three bases each of eight figures to a standard unit. This basing system I have borrowed is that from the Art de L'Guerre rules and it seems to be a sensible development of the old DBA style basing. These are all Forged in Battle figures and I have based them like this so that I can easily adapt my unit size or put a unit into column. 
The photo below shows units of Vikings with 2, 3 and 4 bases per unit to show how this works. This basing system will also allow me to use the same figures in a range of rules from 'To the Strongest' to 'Fantastic Battles'.  
Here are a few photo's of my Viking force to date, over 160 figures painted so far. 

I have really enjoyed painting these Vikings but still have over 100 to do. However, I do keep getting side-tracked and have been painting all sorts of other stuff in between. Hopefully it will not be too long before I can get a game in with these brave little Vikings. I will be using army lists derived from the Hail Caesar 'Shieldwall' supplement but with a few alterations based on my own ideas of what warfare in this era would be like. 



  1. Those look great, both individually and as an army.
    I envy your ability to play multiple rule sets.

  2. Thanks, my interests do seem very widespread.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...