Wednesday, September 14, 2022

6mm Hail Caesar, Hittites against Egyptians and Arab Raiders

 This week's game was 6mm Hail Caesar using our chariot armies. Rather than devise a specific scenario I came up with a random chart to distribute the various items of scenery that I have. It had already been decided that the entire might of my Hittite army would take on Phil's Egyptians and Ian's Arab Raiders with a total of 600 points per side in a straightforward clash of two armies. 

Terrain for Biblical Hail Caesar.

Divide the table up into six sections as in the diagram below.







Then throw for terrain in each section once on the table below. If for example ‘2’ is thrown for a second section use the second terrain type listed etc... First time a number is thrown use the terrain from the first column, second column if that number comes up again and so on. 






Rough Ground




Rough Ground










Palm Grove





Then use the first diagram above to help position each terrain item in place within each section of the table.

Dice for which army deploys on which side of the table.

Deployment is at least 24” apart.

So, with Ian throwing the dice and me placing the scenery we came up with the setup in the photo below, and you can also see how we deployed, Hittites on the right, Egyptians and Arabs on the left.  

The dice also decided that I would deploy first and that Ian and Phil would take the first turn. 
600 points a-side makes for an impressive number of units on the table (56 in total). 

The first three turns were fairly cautious manoeuvring from both sides and with some fairly ineffective missile fire from everyone too.  

The armies start to advance, Phil was the boldest pushing his chariots forward in the middle and Ian was trying his usual tactic of worming his way around my flank on the right with his camel riders. The next four turns were full of action and melee.

My Syrian Chariots move to counter Ian's camels. 

The chariots proved to be quite tough and caused the opposition a lot of problems. 
Decent fighting values and good shooting too. 

My Hittite Chariots were also on my right and proved to be a very tough unit too. 

Phil's Philistines managed to flank my archers and took out 3 units. 

Then Phil's chariots clash with my mercenary infantry and got the better of me. 

On the right my chariot units were slowly gaining the upper hand and Ian's Arab army was slowly heading towards it's breakpoint.  

Over on the other flank my troops started the fight back as I finally manged to get more of my units involved.  

Hittite chariots looking for more Arabs to chase. 

With injured units from both sides scattered all over the table we sadly ran out of time to fully complete the game. With Ian's Arabs mostly broken and Phil having also lost one of his commands, my Hittites had lost only two commands; plus I also had one quite large and mainly untouched command left so we agreed on a close fought victory for the Hittites and so that is how history shall remember this game. 
This was another great game enjoyed by all three of us. It seems that Hail Caesar is getting a second edition soon, expanded to include sieges and the Wars of the Roses; that is a win win for me so I shall be definitely investing in a copy. I will probably get a few new armies too.   


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...