Wednesday, June 8, 2022

More 6mm Hail Caesar

 For todays 6mm Hail Caesar clash I pinched a scenario out of a wargames book, a simple capture the opposing town in 12 turns before enemy relief troops can arrive (or a huge sandstorm in Ian's imagination). Defenders deploy first defending the town, attackers arrive in two waves, half in turn 1 and then the rest during turn 2. The dice decided that Phil and I would be the Egyptian attackers with slightly more points than Ian's defending Elamites. 

Here you see the Elamites deployed in front of the town.

Whilst at the opposite end of the table my 2 commands of Egyptians entered first followed on the second turn by Phil's 2 commands, right in the top corner. 

Poor command throws meant that it took Phil and I sometime to get close to the Elamites. Ian very cleverly threw out his two chariot wings in a sort of pincer movement which meant we had to respond (or risk getting flanked) resulting in us taking even longer to reach the troops guarding the town. In this photo, my Egyptian chariots and Ian's Elamite Chariots have fought each other almost to break point. Ian eventually won that battle thus securing his flank. 

This overhead photo shows the gap between the two forces that took some time to close-we only have 12 turns to claim the town remember!. 

In the centre we slowly won a battle of attrition forcing Ian's troops back into the town, but only just and only by the end of in turn 11.  

There was another very bloody chariot clash on the other flank which Phil won but his remaining chariots were badly battered and took some time to get back into the game. 

With time running out Ian started to withdraw his badly beaten up troops deeper into the village making it difficult for us to catch up with them. On turn 12 we had a slight chance of shooting up one of his badly mauled divisions and thus breaking them and winning the game...sadly for us it was not to be and Ian just held out for a narrow win. 
This was another cracking game of Biblical Hail Caesar which we all enjoyed. When games are this good it does not matter whether you win or lose, it is simply great fun. 

I  am also busy painting 10mm figures at the moment. First up I have completed 3 elephants now and a unit of light cavalry for my 10mm Successors. Really nice 'chunky' figures from Lancashire Games. 

I have also been painting up some 10mm ACW for use with Black Powder and
completed a unit of Confederate Cavalry this week. The bulk of the Pendraken Army pack is now painted, also lovely figures that paint up well. 



  1. Fun, those Biblicals ae certainly getting a lot of action.
    I know what you mean about a good game and winning or loosing not seeming to matter.

  2. The 6mm ancients are great and so quick to get an army painted.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...