Wednesday, June 22, 2022

More 10mm Black Powder ACW

 Having enjoyed last weeks game so much we decided to play another Black Powder battle of 10mm ACW using some of  the Army lists from the Glory Hallelujah supplement, set at 600 points each to match our slowly growing collections. I set up fairly neutral/symmetrical terrain and the dice decided that Ian's Union troops took the North table edge whilst Phil and I leading the Confederates deployed along the Southern edge. Here is the table after deployment...

Ian, just finishing his flapjack had created a very strong line for the Union. Phil and I as the attackers tried to go for a strong centre and needed a rapid advance. 

This being our second game we knew the rules better and this made for a faster moving first few turns. Early on, my centre advanced behind the hill in the middle of the table, Phil was advancing to the village and fields on our far right and my artillery and cavalry guarded our left. So far, so good. 

Phil's Rebs took up a good position in the cornfield and the outskirts of the town. 

A bit of a dark photo but things were looking good for our advance in the centre. 

This is what we were advancing towards, Ian's whole line of artillery with infantry support on either side. 

At this point, everything was going as planned for the Confederates. 

Ian's cavalry lined up opposite mine with a unit of infantry in Skirmish formation in support in the woods. 

My main infantry line get ready for the Rebel Yell and charge into those perky union skirmishers...but fail the Order roll twice whilst getting shot at from all directions. . 

Ian's infantry and artillery proved to be quite good shots. This combined with a sudden loss of all decent order rolls and then poor rolls on break tests for the Confederate's led to a complete and rapid collapse of the Confederate force. It took about 6 turns to get into position and about two turns to lose the battle. Well done to Ian but Phil and I were both amazed at the speed of our collapse and very poor luck with the dice.
 It was still a fun game even if we got well and truly whacked. 

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